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I think my dog is dying....


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Our 14 year old American Cocker Spaniel is lookings real sick. He is struggling to breathe, has muccus from his nose and his eyes cloudy.


It's 7PM and only vets open are pet hospitals and them suckers are expensive. Last time I took him in after hours I speant nearly a $1000.


All I can think of right now is to give him some pain meds and hope he makes it through the night to take him to his vet.


This sucks. He's been with us since he just weeks old.

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Im sad for you and your family. Dogs are special and truly "mans best friend". We all know that the day will come when we have to say goodbye, but that doesn't make it any easier. Best wishes to you sir.
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Very sorry to hear that. Lost too many pets myself and swore I'd never have another. Then I got married and my wife has a 4 lb yorkie. Cutiest little thing. It's gonna suck when her time comes.

Prayers out to you and your family

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Yeah I can't complain ether mine is 13 and he's always been a big boy 150#'s so big dogs don't make it past 10 in allot of cases. Were to the point I have to lift him in and out of the back steps (3 small steps) But he's not in pain, and still moving around, just the back legs are not strong enough to lift his large frame on steps any more. I'm sure getting a work out too. Don't know what it is but got a real soft spot for dogs..... think it's the unconditional love.
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Losing a dog or a cat or any lil buddy from the animal kingdom is rough to say the least ,they are our furry children and should be treated as such and are by most of us, sorry to read this man , i lost a kitty that meant the world to me a year ago , broke my heart .
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sorry to hear that man it sux------my dog had pancreatitis about 3 months ago----cost me over 2 grand to get him back upto snuff---he is only an 18lb dog and lost 4lbs while sick---he is going strong now just a little lighter---

gig out

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I can understand what your going thru it's like loosing a family member , wee lost our Markus after 19.5 years ,putting him down was the hardest thing I have ever had to do , but he was just suffering too much , I was one of the first things he ever saw and the last thing he saw , and what I saw in those eyes was love even at the end
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I know how tough that is. I've always had pets growing up and have had to let many go. It's always sad, but if you remember the good times, and the good, long lives they live because of us, it makes it a little easier. Our Husky/Cattledog mix, Radar, is getting up there in age and I'm starting to notice he struggles with his back legs when he gets up- similar to what jszucs described about his dog. 90% of the time he's just fine, but that other 10% is a realization that our days together are numbered.


Hope things turn out OK for your little furry buddy.


On a side note, we just added a new furry member to the family. We had heard a kitten crying the past week or so... I checked around and under the house but never found it. Then Kate got to work on tues. and heard a cat screaming in the engine bay. Little kitteh was scared to death from the 40 mile, 80 mph ride, but other than some singed fur on it's tail, it came out just fine. We even bang on the hoods before we drive in cold weather to scare any critters out of the bay, but that wasn't enough for this guy. We're now opening the hoods and checking before we go anyplace.

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Thank you guys for all the kind words. The little guy was put down this afternoon, he had heart failure And pneumonia. The vet said he lived out his lifespan, usually Cocker Spaniels live 12 to 14 years, he was going on 15.


My kids are taking it hard, especially the older ones because they grew up with him since he was a puppy.


Even our other dog that Rottweiler is taking it hard.

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Sorry about your dog dude. That was the nicest one. Not like the other one that bites randomly for no apparent reason.



This was kinda hard for me to reply to. Made me think of my own cats. Since I have 4 and all were gotten within a couple years as kittens they all may start dying around the same time. Not something I'm looking forward to.

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