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    Dash Brake Light Staying On

    By nc_beagle,
    Recently, my in-dash parking brake light has decided to stay on, even when I fully release the parking brake. Where should I start? Is there a sensor that's gone bad? It doesn't seem that the brake is still engaged, though it's possible it is slightly? I don't notice anything when driving. But, I have noticed a bit of a moan when going in reverse that I think is new.

    1990 JDM for import

    By 83tommy,
    https://carfromjapan.com/cheap-used-mitsubishi-starion-1990-for-sale-67352a9f8ccb291cdf2c3ed1 Not mine obviously, thought it was cool and should share.  Price seems steep considering how weak the ¥ is right now

    What battery is everyone running?

    By nc_beagle,
    I feel like I asked this before but can't find my post, or anyone else who has asked the question. I want to be sure I have the right battery, because I think (after a year) I maybe didn't. What group size does everyone have? Also, what CCA? Thanks! Mark

    Happy New Year!

    By Thermo13teen,
    Happy New Year!

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