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NotStock88 last won the day on May 31 2013

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About NotStock88

  • Birthday 07/22/1981

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    Sylvania, Ohio
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    Fiji Blue
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    Cloth and Leather
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    On the road

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  1. Where is the tailpipe? Good numbers man!
  3. I had part of a broken 280z hood scoop/duct that broke off a few years back when I dropped it. I was bored and decided to fit it to my hood for a little fresh air under the hood, one way or another ;-) I need to attach some strings to it and see what this scoop actually does since I kinda put it on blindly.... What I am thinking is that because it creates a suction when air is moving over it that when I am moving it will bring air "in... and then it will act as a "vent" when the car is parked/standing still. http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx254/notstock88/Mass%20Import%2010-16-15%20738_zpsi64avkap.jpg http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx254/notstock88/Mass%20Import%2010-16-15%20739_zpswgqegjpn.jpg http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx254/notstock88/Mass%20Import%2010-16-15%20743_zpsjaxvikam.jpg http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx254/notstock88/Mass%20Import%2010-16-15%20742_zpsaww8wudu.jpg http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx254/notstock88/Mass%20Import%2010-16-15%20748_zpszcs11myk.jpg http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx254/notstock88/Mass%20Import%2010-16-15%20744_zps3pfbj2di.jpg
  4. alot of times its the pin between the pedal and the slave cyl when they are worn
  5. I say the CHAD just because it was specifically made for our cars, opposed to the magna, that was made for another car and therefore needs to be modded to work for our setup.
  6. GATO Perormance makes a MPI but I am not sure if they have a "shelf model" so to say. If you have a shop fab one up for you, your prolly looking at like 800-1000. If you find a used MPI your prolly looking at 350-500 depeding on which one is for sale.
  7. I am in need of money to get my license back so parts have to go... sold thanks!!
  8. Nothing wrong with change. Sometimes change is good. As you said, one door closes and another one opens. Keep positive and be resilient. When do you anticipate being up and running with the new oven? When can we start sending you parts LOL?
  9. Happy birthday man. Make it a special one.
  10. Please elaborate how you came to the conclusion that alcoholism as a hereditary disease is "foolishness". I am very curious to hear what you have to say on this. Being your an expert in this subject you clearly must have done extensive research and/or studies on alcoholism as a disease along with human genetics. Maybe you can educate us as to where you studied and came to your master theory. I can post my thesis paper on this but to be honest I don't think you bother to read it.
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