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    Back in the game after 2 decades..

    By Jamerican0448,
    Well, I'm back.. lol.. haven't owned a Starquest since the early 2000's. Slowly sold off my stash of parts til there was nothing left, and then, 20+ years later, a buddy of mine called me a few days ago and said he found one of "my cars" while he was out garage sale hopping with his wife. When he and I met, he live directly behind me, and he had a clear view of the dozen or so Starquests I had in my backyard at the time, and he immediately recognized this one that had been parked in this particu

    86 fuel issue

    By tux,
    Whelp.   I got the car to start, did TPS/isc reset but still runs like trash    Noticed the use injectors I got are cracked (not OEM, but used trilogy).   I don't think I'm gonna find any oem replacements.   Anyone ever run two 87-89 secondaries with lower fuel pressure as an alternative?

    Rear Differential gaskets/ Seals

    By Dad,
    I have had rear differential gaskets reproduced for the Starquests,  I also stock the axle seals and front pinion seals. You can get them at my site http://www.dadsengineparts.com   Well I tried uploading a picture 48kb  in size and get a message I can  only upload file no more than 53.7 kb ?????

    Another eBay Starquest

    By nc_beagle,
    https://www.ebay.com/itm/305881816990?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=EYr1BCJsTGC&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=EheusCIJRmC&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Seems like eBay sellers don't put much effort into descriptions and photos.

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