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Coke last won the day on February 19 2024

Coke had the most liked content!

About Coke

  • Birthday 09/14/1985

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  • Location
    Pembroke/Akron, New York (near Buffalo)
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  • Factory Color
    Sarajevo White
  • Interior Color
    Dark Red
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  1. Either make an adapter plate or just swap the intake manifold.
  2. I think it may be more of people don't realize it's "a thing". I got Mikie "19cturbo" looking into it.
  3. Great question ^. I'd buy one today if it were available readily.
  4. I know this is an old post, but I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this for me. Does the TEP 2.5in downpipe bolt up to the Mookeeh 2.5in catback exhaust system? Someone told me that the TEP downpipe utilizes the stock cat's ball and socket design for flex, however the Mookeeh exhaust uses a flat flange...this concerns me as I just bought both the TEP pipe and Mookeeh system and was expecting to be able to bolt them together no problems. Can someone help me with this? Thanks. Coke
  5. Thanks everybody for the birthday wishes. I love you all, to some degree. lol
  6. Yes I still have the Neon. Haha,this year marks 10 years owning it. Haha
  7. Last I knew, they were booked.
  8. This list is pretty limpstick for less than a month to go... 1. Dad, wife and not sure which Quest. 2. IntercooledFlatty with the wifie - Olive 3. PDodson - 85.5 Starion 4. 87quest-TSI 5. BOHO 6. 19cturbo 7. Twojayzeestarion- 89 starion,83 starion,89 quest,88 quest, 87 starion 8. JAinsworth 9. Jeph_tsi 1jz quest 10. Coke - 2015 Dodge Challenger R/T Sublime Green
  9. Do you have the rear cushions too?
  10. BUMP to see pics posted of the maroon interior pieces. Is it from an auto or manual belt car? There are differences. I'm a man in need of manual belt interior pieces. Thank you.
  11. Yes. It has a Technica instrument cluster from an 85-87 model. All gauges function as they should. UlrichWolf and Maxzillian did the conversion years ago, still going strong. Voice box was also installed by them.
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