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    86 technica help/understanding installing motocam360 ecu

    By 86technica,
    I have a 86 technica with an mpi, single coil turbo and intercooler upgrade, the problem I’m having is while getting the inside all back together and ready for the dash to go back in but  the harness that connects to the digital cluster also connects to the stock ecu or harness aswell the fuel pump wire for the painless performance cirkit 70113 wiring/fuse kit I also notice the there a few sensors/relays Ill need in the engine bay, will I need to run the stock ecu and harness next to the afterma

    Happy New Year 2025- Free shipping special @ Dads Engine Parts

    By Dad,
    Happy new year my friends,     To thank all our loyal customers for another great year there will be free shipping on orders over $100.00  of Starquestparts.  This goes for the entire site  from bearings to cylinder heads.  This runs from Jan 1- 2025 to Jan 15th- 2025  so get your list ready!. http://www.dadsengineparts.com Thank you! Dad

    Brake Light & Turn Signals Not Working?

    By jeffball610,
    I'm sure some of the more knowledgable members know this one. If your brake lights (mains) and your turn signals aren't working, it's likely your hazard switch. My switch cracked when I tried to install the missing button. After the car sat for a while I couldn't figure out why those two items wouldn't work. The 3rd brake light works, but only when the hatch is closed. The contacts for the hatch electricals go through the hatch struts. Wild. After digging through the electrical diagrams, I notic


    By psu_Crash,
    I hope you all had a wonderful day with friends and family! 

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