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Kanye West @ the VMAs


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Seriously, someone punch him in the face and take away any rights he has to speak publicly. He is a HUGE tool for doing that. Way to ruin the biggest night in a new singers career. Jacka$$.



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that guy can not speak publicly with out making himself look like an a**.


he is always pulling the race card, just like this.

you can see his insinuation is that, a white girl got the award and not a black girl.

just like the "george bush hates blacks" comment a few year back.

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I would agree with Burton, he is a racist. "Reverse" racism as it was once termed, is no joke in our times. I say that, but I am not generalizing everyone within any particular groups, there's just simply bad apples in every form, race, creed, color, religion etc.


That guy has a history of "abnormal" behavior. Some claim that behavior is a marketing ploy, I say he does not have the brain power to intentionally act like a fool on purpose. His reaction to Swift winning demonstrated that he's ethnocentric, under the belief that only those within his race are talented enough to win awards and that denying "his people" those awards is somehow "racist" in part of the "man" in charge.


I don't support the bastage, don't listen to his music, will never buy one of his records nor I will ever vote in support for him to win any awards. The sad sad part is that our youth, those impressionable minds who are impressed by fame, money etc, begin to believe or accept such behavior as "normal" or "acceptable". "He's rich, so he could do whatever he wants" mentality is a growing trend, just look at the turds that are revered in our popular media i.e.- Paris ( street walker) Hilton.


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