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psu_Crash last won the day on December 1

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About psu_Crash

  • Birthday 08/05/1980

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    400+ WHP 450+ WTQ!!
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    Decatur TN
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    Sarajevo White
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    Dark Red
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  1. fair enough. I can't get into the other car as it's all masked for paint. Or I'd take a look.
  2. Just went out to look at the car and that switch isn't currently in the gold car. I can tell you I have the same metal tab with a threaded hole and nothing in it. I have to ask, are you sure you are putting the right switch back in?
  3. I'm guessing by this point you have just bypassed it an moved on? I'm also curious to see if it has any other functions. Good find on the harness plug! I have done similar things, even when checking wire colors ... that don't really resemble the original color anymore.
  4. I have the electrical diagram printed out and pasted together to make it "easier" to follow. I'll take a look when I get out there this morning and see if I have any pointers on a probable cause. Edit: Stating on page 178 of the electrical section in the service manual, it shows the ground points. Although I'm not seeing one called out for the headlights right away.
  5. I think the last I saw he had some listings on Ebay... but that has been a while ago.
  6. Mine occasionally makes remarks too. So far I have always won the battle against stubborn vehicles, go karts, quads, snowmobiles ... etc. Did it cost more than expected and take WAY more time? ... 80% of the time! She knows I'm just too stubborn to give up. She has also learned that if the welder, tap/die set is out and/or the cut off wheel is running unexpectedly, now is not a good time. Come back with alcohol The amount of people I know who pay for silly repairs just blows my mind. Guess I just grew up with a good set of friends and family. I'll be forever grateful for the knowledge I learned on grandpa's farm and from my Dad as a kid. That kind of life experience is few and far between these days. Open a shop though? O HELL NO! I'd lose it on these primadonnas.
  7. That's exactly how I feel about this kind of work! I'm also a cheapskate, stubborn and a glutton for punishment. If someone else can do it, then there's no reason I can't, has always been my outlook. Usually it works out... eventually.
  8. It's always worse than it seems. I know all too well how cars die in the north. 40 years in north PA. Being in TN now I just can't get used to what people call a "rust bucket" here. Both of my SQ would have been scrap metal in the south. My Starion has never seen snow and still has a large portion of pinch weld that evaporated.
  9. How did you make out?
  10. Welcome back! That's one hell of a lucky find!
  11. I don't think trying to run the late model injectors with lower pressure is going to work out. They won't atomize correctly and the fuel rate will likely be unpredictable. Might be time for a fuel management system. You could always contact Trilogy and see if Heron can help out.
  12. This needs a sticky! If it wasn't for you and your lovely wife my car never would have made it. Your advice and parts over the years have been priceless. Always a pleasure Randy!
  13. SCIENCE!! Of course. Sounds like you have some tricks up your sleeve. We will all be here waiting when you finally pull the trigger. On a new to you SQ ... or the HOA 😄
  14. Welcome back! There have been a few nice flatties pop up recently, so you may be in luck!
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