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substock last won the day on January 29 2024

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About substock

  • Birthday 10/18/1981

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    Wexford, Pa
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  1. After a lot of thinking, I've decided against selling. My two kids said that I can't sell my "race car"
  2. No it wasn't a rear support, but we did swap parts A few times. I've been gone for so long that I've lost touch with most everyone (andyw, phishfud, importwarrior, Chad, etc.) And I'm not even sure if any of them are still around
  3. Thanks kev (it's been a very long time), and I don't even remember when the last time I was on the site and I noticed majority of the members I was friends with are no longer on anymore. So I am not up to speed with the current prices of these cars. I'm still on the fence with selling it and my wife says i don't need to, but it's just been sitting for years
  4. After a very long deliberation, I have decided it's time to sell my 89 Chrysler Conquest TSi. I've owned this car and been a member of the forums since 2004, and have done many modifications since owning. Modifications that have been completed are: Fully built motor with wiseco 0.20 over forged piston andShot peened and polished rods. (Built by Dad here on the forums) Fully ported caravan head with a tep strip/strip cam 17c td06 turbo Full 2.25" intercooler piping w/ bov 101propose 3" cat back exhaust 101propose front and rear struts Fuel injection pro ecu upgraded to run version 029y4 megasquirt software Stewart Warner coolant temp, boost, and fuel psi gages Aem wdeband o2 sensor Short throw shifter And plenty more I can't think of at this time. The body has around 176k on the odometer and the engine was rebuilt in 2004 or 05 (but I've put practically no miles on it. The cars been sitting in my garage and driven only on occasions around my neighborhood as the last time I had it inspected was in 2014, and need to be fully tuned. The car starts and runs, but as mentioned needs to be tuned to properly drive so a trailer would be needed. Asking 3,000 I'm located in cranberry twp pa Send me a pm for pictures
  5. Check the switched +12 voltage(coil or msd) while cranking. You may be dropping below the needed voltage for the msd to fire while cranking.
  6. Need a wiring harness for my 89, the harness on the driver side that runs all of the power
  7. I keep a link to that e30 topic so i can reference if i ever need to
  8. http://www.e30tech.com/forum/showthread.php?t=25663
  9. I am in need of the main wiring harness that goes through the drivers side fender wheel well. I had picked one up awhile ago but it is for an earlier year and wont work for my 89. Please let me know if you have complete harness Thanks
  10. Here is how i did mine, but i dont have ac and im using electric fans http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l225/substock/Conquest/0928131045a_zps76f6c94e.jpg http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l225/substock/Conquest/0928131045c_zpsee531cf1.jpg
  11. The one posted a few topics down by lepore. Its a modified stock manifold similar to artinists old one
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