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ryddler last won the day on December 21 2021

ryddler had the most liked content!

About ryddler

  • Birthday 10/11/1964

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  • Interests
    Don't drink and drive!!!
  • Location
    Champaign, IL
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  • Factory Color
    Rio/Mexican Red
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  1. location is in my profile I would do pics, but I can't get around it in the garage... And I did post it on FaceCrook as well
  2. I'm sad to say it, but I'm going to have to get rid of my '87 conquest, so I hope we can find her a good home. She needs a bit of bodywork on the passenger rear quarter, hood and front roof line, and the engine hasn't been turned in over 20 years. I have the back half of a replacement quarter that can be welded in, and replacement drivers side window that needs to be installed. Anyone in the midwest interested?
  3. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Apache and Invision were both sending headers so I've got that sorted now.
  4. Just let me know if I should ban Jimmy, or let him do it himself again...
  5. The chat room has been renewed for another year. Enjoy!
  6. Thanks everyone! I've been so busy I'm just now getting to see this
  7. sorry, but I didn't know about it right away, and I'm the only one that can fix it
  8. The chat room has been renewed for another year. Enjoy!
  9. I only asked because I've never had any issues at all, and am trying to determine how widespread the issue is, and whether it is actually exclusive to IE or not. On a side note, I do agree that friends don't let friends use IE
  10. What browsers do you use? I'd be curious to know if any of the issues you've mentioned happen in any browser besides IE (insert version here)
  11. Have you looked into google voice? With google voice you'd have a phone number (albeit different from her cell number unless she ported it to google voice - see here for more info: https://support.goog...f_topic=1708124) that can be set to ring on multiple locations at the same time. It could ring to her phone, tablet (using an app), gchat, land line, etc.
  12. What they said! Hope it's a great b-day!
  13. Found these online if anyone collects them 1987 Mitsubishi Starion #5 1/43 by Kyosho http://www.diecastmodelswholesale.com/catalog/IMG_2080.jpg 1985 Mitsubishi Starion #5 Rallyart England 1/43 by Kyosho http://www.diecastmodelswholesale.com/catalog/IMG_2081.jpg
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