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Mr_pat last won the day on March 11 2023

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About Mr_pat

  • Birthday 01/18/1977

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  • Interests
    Keep the turbo spooled! And the Rubber Side Down!!!
  • Location
    Richmond, MI
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  • Factory Color
    Fiji Blue
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  • Status
    Being Modded

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  1. It was a black and green unit about 4" X 4" by 1" had a direct plug in harness for my quest . I couldnt tell ya what generation.. I bought it used back in 2001 - 2005 at some point.
  2. StarionTroy I had an HKS turbo timer if I can find it I'll let ya know .. Tux how much you want for the boost controller and Timer ?
  3. if its not the last one its one of the last ones.. though seems odd he also has a bunch of other used 83 parts up for sale and found this as well .... but there is no image https://www.mitsubishiwholesaleautoparts.com/oem-parts/mitsubishi-hood-mb270052
  4. I had seen one right here in my town last year, as well as another down near my work . Ahh well guess i'll wai and see if any of them happen to pop in here
  5. Wow I thought the CF hoods were out in circulation already .. And @bruno_TSI did you sell your hood to a guy from Michign who came down and met you in ohio ?
  6. 38 views and not a single reply .. ouch..
  7. So catching myself up on the site since i havent been here in forever and reading over this build.. this project is coming along very nice .. That is some serious dedication . Sorry to hear about your father. loast mine 5 years ago this month as well . Looking forward to seeing this as it goes together .
  8. Any chance of the old SQ stalker map coming back .. need to know who's close so i can hide my parts LMAO
  9. Curious of updates on this.. Pics etc.. sorry this guy has been outta the loop for a long time but someone reignited the spark in me
  10. No worries I ended up picking up a different one at the moment .. but may still end up grabbing this as a core to rebuild in a pinch
  11. I may use this plan as I have a flatty hatch as well but also have a spare widebody hatch with spoiler. I didnt realize there was a difference between the hatches until now .. thought I had to remove the flatty metal and move widie body version to it. worst case I will still have my original hatch with spoiler to put back on the car
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