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StarionTroy last won the day on September 14 2023

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About StarionTroy

  • Birthday 06/27/2001

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  • Factory Color
    Sarajevo White
  • Interior Color
    Dark Red
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    On the road

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  1. This is horrible to hear, especially since you just bought the car 9 days ago.
  2. Car is well worth it, enough for me to consider even though I want a stock Starion. GLWS
  3. StarionTroy


    HKS exhaust comments were funny
  4. I'm very surprised at that, but now that I think about it, I've never seen one that's white on black. It doesn't NEED to be white, I just prefer it.
  5. I did, I'm looking for more of a stock example however. Your car is very clean, just not what I'm looking for.
  6. Looking to buy a very nice 1988-1989 Starion or Conquest around the $10,000-$20,000 range. Preferences are 5 speed, black interior, and no sunroof, mostly stock to completely stock. Minimal rust and very clean inside and out. I will accept white cars with any color interior, as well as Durban or Fiji Conquests. I am in CT but will buy from anywhere in US if seller is honest (shouldn't have a problem on this site). I will edit this listing when I find a car, or change plans. So until then, feel free to reply with your own car or listings you've found elsewhere. Thank you, Troy
  7. If anyone has even the part # for the F-CON let me know.
  8. They're Starion specific I believe...
  9. Bump. Really want a PFC-FCON...
  10. The price isn't just $2200, it's $2200 plus shipping from Japan to the US.
  11. What generation is it? I'm only interested up to the 4th generation www.hks-power.c0o.jp/en/product/electronics/timer/tt10/index.html
  12. I usually am on the Japanese websites like Mercari and Yahoo Auctions, but I am never really looking for new stuff so I filtered all of it out. Today I didn't and I found that DG-5 actually MAKES coilovers for our cars. For those that don't know, DG-5 is a suspension company that used to be Kei Office (or Erfolgkei), the legendary race car driver Keiichi Tsuchiya's brand. I've looked into them and they seem to be a really high quality street/track coilover. Unfortunately as how things are, these high quality coilovers are expensive (around $2200 given the exchange rate from Yen to USD) and would cost even more to ship. I doubt anyone will actually buy these over D2 or K Sport given the price to get these, but I'm just putting it out there that there's a higher quality coilover for our cars than what we all thought previously. For anyone interested, here's a link to DG-5's website where you can see them: http://www.dg-5.co.jp/lineup.html And here's where you can view listings for them on Yahoo Auctions Japan: https://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/search/search?va=三菱+スタリオン&exflg=1&b=1&n=100&s1=new&o1=d&mode=1&auccat=&tab_ex=commerce&ei=utf-8&aq=-1&oq=&sc_i=&exflg=1&p=三菱+スタリオン+DG-5&x=0&y=0 You'd need an independant proxy other than Buyee to ship these however, as Buyee will not ship anything filled with fluid.
  13. That car had a good amount wrong with it, like the shift boot, the rear seats not matching, and various other condition issues like the marks on the airdam. If it was 5 years ago, that would be a 10k car max. Today, a 20k car simply for the miles and lack of rust.
  14. Like I said, I'm looking to make a HKS themed car, so I'm not interested in any of the Greddy items. Hopefully someone else will see this thread and want them! Thanks for posting anyways, if you ever feel like selling those hardpipes, let me know.
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