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McCain picks Palin???


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I have viewed MANY videos of her and Googled her background. As a result, she reminds me of Margaret Thatcher (except for looks), the EX - Prime Minister of Great Britian.


As a result of the preliminary reaseach that I have conducted about her, I think that she selectively kicks A$$ and takes names (when it is warranted) in the same vein as Thatcher. Plus she is not part of the Washington DC political click.


I would be very happy with her as the Vice - President of the USA.


For what it's worth.



Edited by Starfighterpilot
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And about Obama having great Ideas,, I watch him last night and he is a speaker for sure, tells us what we want to hear. But I still dont trust him, not enough American for me. He pulled the flag from his plane and made the choice not to cover his heart during the National Anthem. But thats the Veteran in me coming out. I believe I know where my vote is going. There is just to much about Obama that I dont trust.






Look I'm not voting for Obama, but I'm so tired of hearing people knock this guy for stuff like this. As a veteran do you cover your left side of your chest (which isn't where your heart is) when you hear the national anthem? I'm guess no, because we are taught as military members not to do that. We just stand there at attention. What is wrong for someone else to do it?


I don't really trust the guy either though. I still don't know much about his policy and the only reason why he is even running for President is because Oprah told him to. Is anyone else put off by that? I think it's cool that there is finally a viable minority candidate, but this guy just isn't the one for me.

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well I think Palin is just awesome.


it is not like they were above middle-class earlier. Her husband has been a grunt worker. working in the oil fields to which he has obviously succeeded in, and is also a commercial fisherman...and races snowmobiles? in a 2000 MILE RACE!!!! won FOUR times.


yes she is hot, she was also second in miss alaska pageant! haha.


And then with the bridge they had needed to build the federal government gave them $200 million. Palin saw that the fed gov't wanted to alaskan residents to pay a part of it out of taxes...so she was like "no way jose" and was told to spend the money on anything so what did she do? she gave EVERY alaskan resident $1200 check!!


speaks highly of her character. I think she is going to pull in a lot of votes, and if u ask me, i would rather her be president then mccain

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well I think Palin is just awesome.


it is not like they were above middle-class earlier. Her husband has been a grunt worker. working in the oil fields to which he has obviously succeeded in, and is also a commercial fisherman...and races snowmobiles? in a 2000 MILE RACE!!!! won FOUR times.


yes she is hot, she was also second in miss alaska pageant! haha.


And then with the bridge they had needed to build the federal government gave them $200 million. Palin saw that the fed gov't wanted to alaskan residents to pay a part of it out of taxes...so she was like "no way jose" and was told to spend the money on anything so what did she do? she gave EVERY alaskan resident $1200 check!!


speaks highly of her character. I think she is going to pull in a lot of votes, and if u ask me, i would rather her be president then mccain


sounds like she use'd government money to buy her suport,,, but how did that help them with the bridge that was need'd ,, from where i set it apears they are now $200 million further away from the need'd bridge not closer ,,not in the peoples best intrest

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shelby, this was the infamous "bridge to nowhere", one of the single largest pork boondoggles that was ever proposed. the bridge would have cost 400 million, and connected an island of 50 people to a city of 8000 people. they were already connected by a ferry that ran every 15 minutes in summer.







canceling it is a big plus, but i didn't know that she then distributed the dough to the citizens of alaska. those were federal funds...is there any verification of that check thing?

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Look I'm not voting for Obama, but I'm so tired of hearing people knock this guy for stuff like this. As a veteran do you cover your left side of your chest (which isn't where your heart is) when you hear the national anthem? I'm guess no, because we are taught as military members not to do that. We just stand there at attention. What is wrong for someone else to do it?


I don't really trust the guy either though. I still don't know much about his policy and the only reason why he is even running for President is because Oprah told him to. Is anyone else put off by that? I think it's cool that there is finally a viable minority candidate, but this guy just isn't the one for me.


Kronus I do believe that Mr. Obama has never served in out armed forces. What is his excuse?


And this is now where near what our american flag is.. This is what he replace the flag with on his airplane. Maybe he wants to use this instead of the STARS AND STRIPS.



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Kronus I do believe that Mr. Obama has never served in out armed forces. What is his excuse?


And this is now where near what our american flag is.. This is what he replace the flag with on his airplane. Maybe he wants to use this instead of the STARS AND STRIPS.




The flag that was on the tail of his plane was a trademarked symbol from the airlines that was leasing him the plane. He HAD to remove it.

I was taught that you DO NOT SALUTE THE FLAG during the National Anthem. You put your hand over your heart for the Pledge of Allegiance and you stand at attention during the N.A.



I can't believe what Lemmings people can be. How long has this crap been going on and people are still spreading this BS.

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As a veteran do you cover your left side of your chest (which isn't where your heart is)


Your heart is to the left of center in your chest. That's why you put your hand on the left side. If you put your right hand over the left side the heal of your hand will be on your heart.


After watching this years race. I'm not going to vote. Neither one is who I want. Either way I'm screwed so I hope you guys are happy with who gets in. I won't be.

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That Symbol was also on the screens during his speech two nights ago. I have seen it on cars with Obamas name. So I do not think this is an airlines symbol unless Obama has adopted it.

I still dont trust him.

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That Symbol was also on the screens during his speech two nights ago. I have seen it on cars with Obamas name. So I do not think this is an airlines symbol unless Obama has adopted it.

I still dont trust him.


Yes, that is his symbol. The original symbol on his plane's tail was of an American flag. That is the one he had to remove.

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Obama......black man running for pres.


So why not have a woman for vice pres?


This have everything to do with Tactics, publicity and getting votes. Zero to do with whether shes qualified or not.

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I do believe that Mr. Obama has never served in out armed forces. What is his excuse?


And George Bush HAS??


Well, at least Obama's daddy didn't buy his way out of serving.


Its really funny and bit annoying to see people argueing over, this candidate and that candidate.


The people in the lime light, they are all godamn pawns. The men with the real power and influence, are the men behind the scenes.


Jesus, when are people are going to wake up to this.



Edited by Mech
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There is always going to be this sideline stuff in an election. Sad thing is, usually it just further polarizes the sides and does nothing to convince "on-the-fence" voters. The Obama flag thing for example. Those that are against him are infuriated, those that are for find acceptable reasons.

I am soooo tired of all the trivial mudslinging. All we ever seem to get is teeth gnashing and elegant speeches that go on forever and say NOTHING. They might as well be saying "Look how well I will fit in with the White House decor...much nicer than that other fellow. ANd when I get there, things are going to change, not sure how, but they are.".


I am not sure what the solution is, all I know about it is I am ready for SOMEONE to be picked by election time. Campeigning drags on, and drags on, and we get tired of listening. Even if they decided to focus on issues now, I am not sure that I would hear it anyway.


OK...grumpy rant over.


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I actually see this as a brilliant move by the McCain staff. This ensures that there will be a "minority" in the White House this election, appears to sympathize with the disgruntled Hillary supporters, shows a propensity for change (quote Dave Dittman " The landscape is littered with the bodies of those who have crossed Sarah,"), and Sarah Palin is the most popular governor in America with approval ratings at around 90%.


Now, compare this to Obama's running mate, a 35 year veteran of the Senate (does this speak change?) and a man that openly said in debate that "I don't believe that (Obama) is ready, the Presidency is not something that lends itself to on the job training".


Now Biden has many qualities that make him a good candidate for VP. My problem is, with all that tenacity and fight in him...will he be the VP or the puppetier? Will his bigger personality overshadow his running mate?


This definitely has my attention.



I second this...not to mention Palin actually has more valuable experience as a govenor, than Obama as a Senator. Obama talks alot...and he talks well, but does it mean ANYTHING?. He has yet to back his HOPE and CHANGE with anything concrete. His universal heath care plan is a pipe-dream at best...he can't even fund it. Personally, I really wanted Obama to be something special, but I haven't seen anything that can back up all the talk.


Thanks guys...I love ready all the different points of view.

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There is always going to be this sideline stuff in an election. Sad thing is, usually it just further polarizes the sides and does nothing to convince "on-the-fence" voters. The Obama flag thing for example. Those that are against him are infuriated, those that are for find acceptable reasons.

I am soooo tired of all the trivial mudslinging. All we ever seem to get is teeth gnashing and elegant speeches that go on forever and say NOTHING. They might as well be saying "Look how well I will fit in with the White House decor...much nicer than that other fellow. ANd when I get there, things are going to change, not sure how, but they are.".


I am not sure what the solution is,


But that IS the solution! The side stuff has so much traction because we all suspect, as some level, that whoever becomes President will accomlish as little as previous Presidents have (except under exceptional circumstances such as war, etc...) Our government was designed to be slow, cumbersome, and obstruct any individual from having too much power or influence. Madison (Federalist paper 51) said:


"But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions."


By having a system that limits individuals to near incompetence, it limits the amount of corruption possible from said invididuals. Look at how much corruption we DO have in our government (disgustingly so). It would be so many, many times worse if people had REAL authoritative power, imo.


And yeah, it is one of the great ironies of our politics that what it takes to BECOME President of the United States is not what it takes to BE the President of the United States.


If all the mudslinging and vitriol is affecting you, dont read the papers, watch cable news networks, listen to talk radio, or engage in political discussions. I do that often and all the crap just goes away rather magically.


I've noticed a rather interesting correlation between professional sports and politics. In the off season there is much less engagement in politics. Also, people tend to have a "team" they want to root for and develop a loyalty to that team. Yes, I know it's a little more complicated than that with values, views of how taxes should be spent, etc..., but the similariaties are still there to me.


Local politics seems to talked about much less, yet impacts us as individuals so much more. How many folks can name all of their city council members, for example?

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Kronus I do believe that Mr. Obama has never served in out armed forces. What is his excuse?



Aww come on bro, we don't gain any special "stand at attention" rights when we joined the military. If we can do it why can't he? Are you going to get mad when he salutes a military member after they salute him if he becomes President? Being a civil servant is just as important as being in the military. I think covering your heart is pretty stupid anyway. How about just stand there, shut the hell up and show your appreciation for your country? It doesn't need to be any more complicated than that.

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I wouldnt have a problem with him saluting any military members if he were the Commander In Chief. But if I had both McCain and Obama standing in front of me I wouldnt have to think twice about which one I would salute first. :D
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And there you have it. No convention boost for Obama.



"On the eve of the Republican convention, a new national poll suggests the race for the White House remains even"


and yet,


"It was one of the most widely watched political conventions in history.


The poll suggests that the convention made people who watched more likely to vote for the Democratic ticket. Fifty-one percent of registered voters said the convention made them more likely to support Obama;"


So how can both of those assertions be true at the same time?

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"On the eve of the Republican convention, a new national poll suggests the race for the White House remains even"


and yet,


"It was one of the most widely watched political conventions in history.


The poll suggests that the convention made people who watched more likely to vote for the Democratic ticket. Fifty-one percent of registered voters said the convention made them more likely to support Obama;"


So how can both of those assertions be true at the same time?


How because the media is biased. CNN is pretty Liberal so they have to put their spin on it.

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Palin seems to be a lot more of a down to Earth American than 99% of the D-Bags in Washington. This may change when they start digging up dirt on her, but so far she seems fine.


I love how you say this 3 days ago, and I now hear some politics-meets-media BS on the news over dinner about her pregnant 17-year-old daughter. Called the cards, good sir.


I can't wait for the public popularity contest to be over, and a new group can come into office to continue muckraking in a different direction.


Just like the yardwork, all the clippings need to get to the trash, but how you rake them and what color they turn while doing it seems more popular these days.

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