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patra_is_here last won the day on May 13 2015

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    86 starion
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    monterey ca
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  1. there is no national language, and why should there be? people speaks lots of languages, and economics will probably dictate which language will be dominant as time progresses, within the states. as it stands, most technical information and science information is in english more than it is in spanish in the isa, and english has a different level of flexibility and adapts well to changes and new words. so I suppose english will probably keep its place as dominant but unofficial.
  2. yeah on the rails. if i need to turn the car has to go back up =)
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDJB2QbKd3U seems like an appropriate thread for a six foot tall tire
  4. guys, I'm really disappointed in all of you. You should all have the ability to predict which words or topics will offend any single person here.
  5. if you stripped it out it must have been already worn a good 75%. I've seen them worn halfway down and still hold together for clutch kicks and hard driving. but, yeah, once a lot of the teeth are worn down theres not really much to hold it together.
  6. honestly i haven't built the exhaust yet. but from the looks of things, im gonna have to widen the driveline tunnel. or maybe bring the passenger side floor up. IDK havent decided yet.
  7. the flatty air dam doesnt work either =( I just need a fatty air dam and cut off a couple inches from the bottom
  8. I just get snap on ratchets. craftmen sockets. and gear wrench or matco or bluepoint or cornwell wrenches. they all seem to be about the same. oh, and screw drivers, strictly german steel, they are the only ones that the tips don't round off quickly.
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