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Everything posted by vbrad511

  1. The thing you'll find out is these cars are a breed of their own, as far as electrical and fuel systems go. Even when they were new most dealers didn't WANT to mess with the repairs, because their mechanics didn't understand them. You won't find a qualified SQ mechanic out there who doesn't own one. Your best bet is to buy a basic set of tools, keep coming here, and don't be afraid to get dirty.
  2. Was the new knock box actually known to be good? It's not out of the question to think you might've gotten a bad one. Got another car you can test it on? Have you changed/cleaned all the fusible links?
  3. The relay wasn't the problem. When you ran the dedicated wire did run it direct, or put a relay inline?
  4. Does your new head have the correct oiling holes iin the rocker shafts? Seems there was a writeup somewhere about oil starvation with certain setups.
  5. Perfect. I'm gonna swap that relay out first. I've got a neutral safety switch wired in to the clutch pedal that I'd rather not mess with. If that doesn't do the trick I'll run that dedicated wire. Thanks...
  6. I haven't had much time to pick at this. Did make sure it was getting good contact at the starter trigger wire, but still acting up. You don't have a location for that inhibitor relay, do you?
  7. I'm in. Last minute, but I'm in. Had to make sure work was going to hold up a bit longer. Payment sent. Thanks
  8. I'm I the only one missing the obvious? What about cambered in wheels? Should be just a matter of time before one of them comes up with reversible rims, so you can turn them around and wear out the other edge of the tires too.
  9. Just upgrade to either the Hyundai alt, or the GM alt. Or have a stock SQ alt rebuilt by a mom-n-pop shop. The chain stores use the cheapest vendors they can find to reman their products. I've had several AZ alts fail over the years in record time. They'll only ever get me to buy another if I'm absolutely desparate.
  10. This was an auto car I converted to stick. I jumpered that "safety" in the harness. Maybe that needs some attention. I've had 3 different starters on it, and 2 ignition switches so I wouldn't think they'd be the issue. I'll try that jumper tomorrow. Thanks
  11. My 88's been touchy on starting for quite some time. Sometimes I hit the key and it cranks immediately. Other times I'have to hit it 4, 5, maybe even 10 times before it works. I did replace the ignition switch many years ago with a used one. Seemed like the trouble went away for a while, but came back. I've had 3 different starters on it, and just today changed the main relay over the ECU. I also thought it might've been a poor ground issue, but I added an extra ground cable to the block/battery a while back. When it's in the start position things click and hum, but no cranks. Suggestions?
  12. I changed oil in the Montero the other night and the plug seal had fallen apart again. I used a metal/rubber seal again. What can I use that wont fall apart every change?
  13. As I was afraid. I got home a bit ago to an email telling me they'd refunded me. None left in the US. I don't know if there's a source overseas or not. Suggestions?
  14. ...and to be safe, maybe before anybody else orders these for themselves let's wait and make sure the confirmation email they should send out tells me they can actually get hands-on on these, and that the order will process. I'll keep you all posted as soon as I know either way. I'm pretty confident that it'll all work out, but there's that off chance they'll come back, tell me they're out of production, and refund my money.
  15. I ordered 5 sets of the packings, and a few extra screws. I'll be keeping two sets , so if somebody wants a set or two I'll save you a little cash....that is, once they get here.
  16. Good news....I found a source for them and ordered 5 sets. I'll be putting one set on my car, and saving a set, but the rest I'll pass on to folks if they want them. If you want to order them yourself go here.... http://home.comcast.net/~DriftAbility/images/Komeuppance/87i.pdf It's a PDF and will give you the part number. You scroll down to page 923 (it's a long scroll), and the fishe shows all the related parts. I also ordered new screws for mine. From there I went to Oemmitsubishiparts.com and pasted my part numbers and searched. They came right up, added to the cart, adjusted quantities, checked out....now wait. Hope it helps.
  17. I've got the dreaded hatch-out-of-alignment issue. I band-aided it a few years ago, but now it's back. What I'm seeing is the gaskets between the hinge and the glass have gotten dry and don't grip like they should, so the hatch glass slides down. There isn't enough adjustment in the body mount of the hinge to make up for it. Where can I source new gaskets?
  18. not mine... http://columbus.craigslist.org/pts/5240110247.html
  19. Take your old one into a mom-n-pop rebuilder/battery shop and have them make you an upgraded version.
  20. Years ago my mom bought a new 82 Civic. She had a friend that was always in competition, so she went out and bought some new Ford something or other. Several years later the friend bought another new car. Several years later again she bought another new one. She made a crack to my mom at one point about buying three new cars while my mom had only had one. My mom replied with "I know how to pick a better car". Mom kept that Civic until the body started rotting away, then gave it to me. I sunk about 2 gallons of bondo into it, primed and painted it, then drove it 2 more years....until I went to change the timing belt and was too cheap to buy the book to tell where to set the marks. Bent every exhaust valve in it. I ended up scrapping it bc my girl at the time thought it was too small to worry about fixing. That car had run like a top for 15 years, and got about 38 MPG.
  21. There's a reason Hondas hold their value....they're better cars. I'd rather have a 20 year old Honda than a 10 year old Hyundai.
  22. That would be a great thing for a GP.
  23. I have one that looks complete, except the lower passenger fan mount. Welcome to it if it'll help.
  24. And thinking about our stock oil coolers, I just put a trans in a CL Acura. I didn't like the radiator infused cooler, didn't think it'd do well enough, so I flushed, and flushed, and flushed, and flushed, and installed a stock SQ oil cooler inline with the trans cooler.
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