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Senator Rand Paul brought a very good point...


"How does using chemical weapons benefit Assad?" He knows the world would stand against him..... but it does benefit the rebels who are backed by Al Quada.....which no problem sacrificing themselves to advance their agenda....


Obama and Biden both promised to go after Bush if he attacked Iran without congressional approval. Yet Obama is yet again circumventing congress to attack Syria?


Congress must investigate who actually perpretrated the attack. ..



In this instance, there's more evidence of actual crimes against humanity. The last time, we "thought" they had WMD but there was really no concrete proof. Here, there's all kinds of proof of them doing mass killings, with many being women and children.


That said, we shouldn't be messing around over there. Our country has enough problems here at home, and with our economy, we really can't afford to get into another one of these cluterfudges. Bring all our troops home, line em shoulder to shoulder at the borders, use our own oil and other resources. Have our stuff made in the US instead of sending the work overseas. And just for good measure, legalize pot, bring in billions in tax revenue, put farmers back to work, and free up a lot of DEA resources to go after the real drugs. The rest of the countries can blow themselves off the map, and we'll sit here, take care of ourselves, and watch the show.

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Wouldnt that be nice to not worry what the rest of the world is doing?

I'm for that!

Problem is that nobody studies history anymore. Dang near every war has been started by a "false flag"

That puts the people behind the gov't in support of a war. We are doomed to repeat history if we do not know it...

Remember that we were warned by Ike in his final speach to beware of the Military Industrial complex.

money is the root of all evil...

So, if we do end up going into Syria, look to where the money is to be made.

Edited by 87redcat
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i realy I don't think we have much to worry about , and that is realy a shame to alow these guys to do these horriable things and get away with it ,, but i do beleave we need to find some younger guys to do our dirty work , they have asked our men and women to go way beyound normal duty service
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