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there's a 1 in 5 chance that Palin will be president if McCain is elected


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there's a 1 in 5 chance that Palin will be president if McCain is elected





Its about time a 'common' citizen becomes the president instead of the polished ' elite' ...........that IS the way it should be


lets face it, she can't do any worse then what we have, would you rather have dinner with her or Barney 'lollypop' Franks?




LOL you have to be kidding!!! what makes you think 'common' citizens know how to run a country. she's barely educated!!!! Im all for spreading power and wealth among people, but i DO NOT think sarah palin is the person capable, or even willing, to do such things.




countries should be run by SMART people. don't you realize this???


look at this country right now, the past 8 years have been run by an administration headed by someone who is arguably the least educated president.

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the clinton administration's short sighted economic policies are what got us here, he sold our country's soul to get good economic's during his term.


Just because Bill signed bad laws like nafta doesnt mean he wrote those bills. He was lobbied with the same crap we were of how it would "create" jobs.

He would have had a really good reason for not signing it. He should have listened to Ross Parow.


Besides if Clinton sold our soul, what the hell was it that Bush sold? He turbo charged nafta and any other policy that benefits multi-national corporations over the people. Plenty of time to undo these so called short sighted economic policies. Plus its been 8 years since Clinton was in power, you cant keep blaming him for everything it shows how narrow minded you are.

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Woohoo...got my McCain/Palin lawn signs yesterday :dancing:


Actually had five of them, but three (yes 3) of my neighbors asked where I got em, so instead of having them order and wait, I gave 3 away - I'm a nice guy. Sitting in my dentists chair this morning, as i was injected with my 7th shot of novocain and could barely open my mouth, my dentist said "I sure hope McCain gets tough on Obama tonight, don't you?" - I gave him a sign for the front of his office...


I voted democrat for my local Congressman, nice guy, smart and had been doing a good job, he voted "yay" last week for the $700B pork belly filled bill. Saturday his campaign called and asked if they could put a sign out in front of my house again this year? I said, didn't "he" vote FOR the bill last week? The other end of the phone replied "yes", so I told em, " Ahhhh - NO SIGN FOR YOU!" and continued to explain how I would do my best to "fire" his a$$ this time around - bye bye to the bullchit. I want real people in office, who listen to me, who are trustworthy, don't spin or talk circles, don't expect me to pay for the mistakes of everyone else, can tell me who contributed to their campaign fund, will not negotiate with terrorists, will wait for the "right" time to pull troops from Iraq, and will smack the crap out of N Korea, Iran, and others if need be.


You guys who want to vote for Obamatation, go for it, but don't try to sway me, you're wasting your time, go sway someone else.

Edited by silverarrow89
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These are terrorists.


Two excellent examples of why I've always warned that there is a serious leadership crisis in the Christian community. Who is going to step up and continue the efforts by the last GREAT Christian leader -- Billy Graham?


In the first video, the viewer sees Rod Parsley, pastor of World Harvest Church in Columbus, OH.


The Republican rally was held in Cincinnati, OH. Seeking support of the Christian community in the Midwest, of course I would expect John McCain to make positive comments about him.


In the second video, the viewer sees John Hagee, pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, TX. Similar situation as in Ohio.


It's not like McCain worshiped in either of these churches for 20 years or anything.


P.S. On a side note, I used to attend Bill Hybels' church (Willow Creek) when I lived in Chicago. Does anyone here have anything positive or negative to say about Bill Hybels?


Also, I have always wanted to visit Rick Warren's church (Saddleback) in southern Cailifornia. Does anyone here have anything positve or negative to say about Rick Warren?

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Woohoo...got my McCain/Palin lawn signs yesterday :dancing:


Actually had five of them, but three (yes 3) of my neighbors asked where I got em, so instead of having them order and wait, I gave 3 away - I'm a nice guy. Sitting in my dentists chair this morning, as i was injected with my 7th shot of novocain and could barely open my mouth, my dentist said "I sure hope McCain gets tough on Obama tonight, don't you?" - I gave him a sign for the front of his office...


I voted democrat for my local Congressman, nice guy, smart and had been doing a good job, he voted "yay" last week for the $700B pork belly filled bill. Saturday his campaign called and asked if they could put a sign out in front of my house again this year? I said, didn't "he" vote FOR the bill last week? The other end of the phone replied "yes", so I told em, " Ahhhh - NO SIGN FOR YOU!" and continued to explain how I would do my best to "fire" his a$$ this time around - bye bye to the bullchit. I want real people in office, who listen to me, who are trustworthy, don't spin or talk circles, don't expect me to pay for the mistakes of everyone else, can tell me who contributed to their campaign fund, will not negotiate with terrorists, will wait for the "right" time to pull troops from Iraq, and will smack the crap out of N Korea, Iran, and others if need be.


You guys who want to vote for Obamatation, go for it, but don't try to sway me, you're wasting your time, go sway someone else.



Well McCain also voted for the "$700B pork belly bill". Guess it's time to get rid of those signs.

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i'm going to vote for the first person who stops at my house and GIVES me a sign. gimme gimme. lets all go on welfare. :emot-bandwagon:


The signs are all around us. Were getting screwed.


Lets face it, if the GOP did a good job the last 8 years, they would have no problem winning this election.


Next up at bat is the other team.

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LOL you have to be kidding!!! what makes you think 'common' citizens know how to run a country. she's barely educated!!!! Im all for spreading power and wealth among people, but i DO NOT think sarah palin is the person capable, or even willing, to do such things.




countries should be run by SMART people. don't you realize this???


look at this country right now, the past 8 years have been run by an administration headed by someone who is arguably the least educated president.



your missing a key ingredient that our founding fathers understood far too well, NEVER trust government.

All the men who signed the declaration of independence were wealthy men who had earned thier wealth under the king of englands crown. By signing that document they lost everything they had plus had a bounty put on thier heads, they didnt get a bail out.

But they wanted a government for the people , by the people, not a KING.

Common people not people of nobility


The democrats are beating you like a government mule and making you the fool. They are SMART, they have you BELIEVING you need them

In '92 the democrats had the same economic crisis so Clinton would get in. It worked then and it will work now. Democrats must create a crisis if there is no crisis because they need you to BELIEVE you need them

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holy @hole. :rolleyes:


It seriously sickens me that stubborn republicans will have NO blame laid on their party. Anything that goes wrong is ALWAYS the "dems" fault.


The Democrats nor the Republicans "control" ANY branch. There is a reason for the checks and balances in place in our government. There are TWO political parties, neither is perfect, both make mistakes. So don't give me this crap about "our economy is in the shitter thanks to the democrats or a single individual." It is a BICAMERAL and BI-PARTISAN legislature!!!!


Bicameral(and no I am NOT calling you stupid): having two branches, chambers, or houses, as a legislative body(taken from dictionary.com)


Bi-partisan: representing, characterized by, or including members from two parties or factions(taken from dictionary.com)

So before you go pointing fingers again at one whole party, take a GOOD look at your own. Both parties have a lot to do with any mistake that comes out of D.C. It just depends on what mistake you choose to look at, as well as the caliber of the mistake.

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dude dems and reps are just as elite. for christ sake. you really think bush is just regular guy who got elected by chance. just an average joe with a dream?


you think palin is just suzy housewife, trying to do her gosh darn best in this crazy world? she is part of the power elite now and has been. she straight up lies in her debates interviews and rallys. don't be fooled by the pretty face. just recently she said obama was spending time with terrorists. that is just the biggest exaggeration of truth, so much so, that i would call it a lie. #1 obama was 8 when he had contact with the black panthers. and even at that time the panthers weren't terrorists. how can you trust that woman?


you are so naive if you sincerely believe that there has ever really been a 'common' person elected to these offices. they all either attended ivy league schools, have family ties to government, are very wealth, always had some sort of upper class ties. its undeniable. this whole idea that there's 'blue bloods" on the dems side and the reps are just regular working folk is the biggest load of crap.


honestly, you all should just fricken read through each candidates policies and stances on issues, and then look at their history, and their experience and education and vote for the person who is most fit to make this world better.


stop thinking so short sited. stop thinking about your taxes. or your guns (which will never be taken away btw). think about your children, and your childrens children. the world will keep going after we're gone and we can at least leave them something that better than it is now. stop calling the news "liberal media", when in fact most news is controlled by rupert murdock, who is very right wing and has admitted that he believes his news channels should reflect his views. stop arguing over all the things that REALLY DONT MATTER in one's ability to govern this country. so what obama is a lawyer? so what mccain is a pow? so what palin is average? so what biden changed his mind on being VP. those things are irrelevant in one's ability to govern this country and smart well informed executive level decisions


most of the people out in the world just believe what they are told. they believe when someone says the dems are gonna raise taxes. they believe when someone says they know how to win a war. they believe when someone promises the impossible. this rant is really unorganized and i apologize


im an open obama supporter, because the obama / biden ticket seems like a good executive team for this country.


its simple.


they are smart. they are rational. they have knowledge of foreign policy, the constitution, economic policy and law. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT? those two combined have the qualities that make for a good leadership team in the executive offices.

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just recently she said obama was spending time with terrorists. that is just the biggest exaggeration of truth, so much so, that i would call it a lie. #1 obama was 8 when he had contact with the black panthers. and even at that time the panthers weren't terrorists.




Actually......you have 2 different scenarios mixed up. Obama admitted that he was 8 when Bill Ayers commited multiple acts of domestic terrorism.


In his adult life, Obama has served on the board of an education-reform organization in the mid-1990’s...along side Ayers. Not only that, but he lives in the same neighborhood as Ayers and has attended multiple meetings in Ayers' own home....a couple blocks from his own home.


That's pretty close in my book.




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Actually......you have 2 different scenarios mixed up. Obama admitted that he was 8 when Bill Ayers commited multiple acts of domestic terrorism.


In his adult life, Obama has served on the board of an education-reform organization in the mid-1990’s...along side Ayers. Not only that, but he lives in the same neighborhood as Ayers and has attended multiple meetings in Ayers' own home....a couple blocks from his own home.


That's pretty close in my book.






Oh please. So the fact that Dubya rushed Bin Laden's parents out of the country after 9/11 makes him a terrorist too right? OH and I guess it makes the people in the airports that live near terrorist sleeper cells terrorists too? Your reasoning is flawed. Are you telling me that you have NEVER hung out with people who did things you didn't like? Using your reasoning, if I have a friend that drinks and drives 3 houses away from me and I hang out with him, I should get a DUI as well....sounds kinda stupid now, right?

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Sorry, but drinking and driving are far removed from bombing a Police HQ building, the US Capitol building,and the Pentagon.


Oh yeah...and there was also the accidental explosion of the nail-bomb where his group was planning terrorist attacks....that killed his girlfriend and another close friend.



That is a terrorist....not someone who is affiliated or related to a terrorist...he is THE bad guy.




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I know they are far removed from each other. I was using your logic saying Obama was close to being a terrorist and giving an example.


Do you know anyone who is/was in the KKK? No? Anyone whose father/grandfather/great-grandfather? Does that make them supremely racist? Does that mean they lynched blacks or burned crosses in peoples yards?




Everyone has people they know/hang out with that they disagree with, and I'm sure they are not this extreme, but you get the idea. You may disagree with your friend's actions, but you still hang out with him/her. This does not mean you are what they are. Someone may be a great friend, have a great personality, but choose to live a life of hate. I have some friends who are racist and while I feel bad for them being closed-minded, I won't stop hanging out with them nor will I join them in their BS. I voice my opinion on what they say, and they usually don't agree with me. That's fine.


Have your opinion, but don't try to force it on anyone.


This is a phrase that MANY people need to understand. I enjoy discussing politics but many people I run across daily attempt to press their beliefs on to me instead of just sharing. Most members here DO NOT do this, and that is good. However there have been a few posts on the many threads about the election that can be perceived that way.

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Oh I love that everyone has thier own opinion....and I realize how insignificant mine is to anyone else. I don't ever try to make anyone else conform to mine.


I do not believe Obama is a terrorist or close to being a terrorist. But I was backing up the claim that he has close ties to individuals and groups that are involved in or promote terrorism. He does indeed spend time with a known terrorist.



BTW....I love you guys! :D




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Oh I love that everyone has thier own opinion....and I realize how insignificant mine is to anyone else. I don't ever try to make anyone else conform to mine.


I do not believe Obama is a terrorist or close to being a terrorist. But I was backing up the claim that he has close ties to individuals and groups that are involved in or promote terrorism. He does indeed spend time with a known terrorist.



BTW....I love you guys! :D





I think the guy was a member of an anti Vietnam war group that was certainly on the fringes. If you would like to go there, you just let me know. Not trying to be flip just honest about it. There's an air of violence around this thing as it is, thanks to the new hit girl's speeches.


I also know that was in the 60's, he's adult, married to the same woman for many years, and sits on the board of an organization that probably does as good work as do any of us.


"Ties" to him are tenuous at best. You go to teas for introduction and fundraising when you are new. You go where stuff is happening and with people that are happening. You certainly cannot be expected to scrutinize every potential situation and person you might encounter - and do it ahead of time.


By your logic if Obama was to be qualified today he would have to have seen this guy in the same light you do now - but back then. But the message that shaped your view had no pretext of being fair, it was crafted to elicit the response you have.


He doesn't matter and everyone knows it. We have issues to be dealt with and we'll never get to them if we don't get past the sideshow.


Love you too. I know I don't say it often enough. :D


And for the record, I would have no problem meeting that guy today myself.


I've met Robert Byrd, I don't like everything about him but I am a fan none the less. He spoke most passionately about Iraq and nobody listened.

Edited by Edde
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Plain and simple.


My belief is that John McCain is proud of and loves this country and truly has the nation's and our best interest at heart.


My impression is that Barack obama is self-serving and his main goal is personal gratification. I do not get the vibe from him that he loves and is proud of his country........I think he sees it and uses it as a tool.


That's simply my opinion of the fundamental differences between the two of them as men. No one has to argue with it or even dignify it with a response....but that's how I see it.





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On the subject of the debate......... Obama wants to increase taxes on anyone earning $250k or more per year.


I know that seems like a lot of $$ to most people here. But consider this, a very small percentage of "small" businesses earn less than that. That's going to hit the "middle class" very hard.


The company my dad works for is considered a small company....they do heating and A/C systems. With 10 employees, they grossed $1.25M last year. they'd get the crap taxed out of them even thought they weren't all that profitable last year.


My wife with her own "small" business will earn nearly enough to fall into that more heavily taxed bracket, doing nearly all the work herself.......if she had 2 employees, she'd be right in the thick of it.


I don't think that's financially sound tax implementaion for a struggling economy.




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i don't recall any tax numbers being thrown out so how does any one know how any one will be hit hard , and most bussiness's are INC so the total earnings are devide'd by coorp members not as a single person


a single owner company neting $1.25 mil ,isn't hurting

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Obama stated himself that $250k and up will see a tax increase.


When we paid very close to 30% last year........what'll it be if we saw a tax increase?


As single owner company with 10 employees and &1.25M gross definitely has the potential to be hurting. Especially since they endured a loss of $70k last year due to a few unforseen incidents.




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Who's going to pay for the enormous debt we've run up, and how? We are, in one form or another. And through taxes. There's no other way. They can "cut spending", but will it really happen? Maybe we'll see, but this petty "he knows a terrorist" BS is just that. The republican CONTROLLED congress drug Clinton through the mud and spent $70 million of taxpayer money looking for dirt. They found Monica. Yay!!! The same republican congress investigated 9-11, but only spent $17 million doing it. Less than 1/4, and McCain was part of it both times. More than 4 times the cash to dig into the sex life of two consenting adults, than for the worst attack on American soil ever. Whose priorities are out of alignmnet?
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