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I have seen two different angles on these----The one I have now angles at about 4 oclock(looking down at it) but I had one a while back that is pointed more towards 5 oclock---That is the one I need as it leaves more room to run my pipes down the drivers side versus the OVCP---anyone know what year that was used on----


gig out

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Edited by importwarrior
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most likely more of a direct suction at the lower rad hose inlet

when the thermostat is closed the only coolant flow to the turbo is what coolant that can be sucked out of the upper rad hose ,, shows the how critical the coolant level is to insure good flow to the turbo

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Now I'm a little confused....I checked my microfiche and it lists 3 different ones...(83-84) MD061791---(85-4/87) MD084802----(5/87-89)MD127231.In the pics shown here my housing on car now is the same as pic marked 88-89.I have an old pic of my engine bay from 1992 and it has the housing with the more direct angle to the upper radiator port(what I want) I never replaced it till I rebuilt my motor and swapped to another I had kicking around so I assume that the one on my car back in the day was factory.Just to make it more interesting I have only owned 3 of these cars and 2 were 87's and 1 86 so that poses the question " how did I have a Tstat housing from a 88-89 car when I never owned one?just want to be sure of what I need so I don't buy the same part I already have.


gig out

Edited by DMNDSTAR87
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Now that i look at my waterpump its an 88-89 pump cause it has the extra port but the metal waterline is the 87 and i have that port blocked... Im guessing the 88-89 style is better?

Gig out


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There was a Mitsubishi Technical Service Bulletin No. STB 87-07-001 regarding this cover. The thermostat cover change began May of 1987. According to the bulletin, the revised thermostat cover improves the cooling systems ability to release vapor that normally occurs after shut off when the engine is hot. They also mention that the hoses that are attached to the cover were revised and are both different shape. The TSB indicates that both hoses should be changed to the later version with the cover.


So basically this is an upgrade to likely shorten engine cool down and allows the system to remove vapor pockets that trap heat.

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