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Everything posted by tux

  1. I finally got my tank in ! and battery charged, so here's my cal !
  2. I have the HKS Pipes, but not the filter housing.
  3. working on getting my fuel tank in still. having a bit of trouble connecting the fuel neck to the tank >.< there's not enough room to work in that fender well. soon as that's done i'll pull my map
  4. Ya, they would only sell me it in 12" increments for 20$. If anyone wants any, let me know, I have extra as the coupler is only 4" long
  5. dealer just refunded my money for the filler neck coupler, its no longer available.
  6. sorry mate, I gave it back
  7. nice ! all my checkout dives had <1' visibility... but i'm in jersey
  8. Color on that green one is kinda gross. I have a black one.. only because I gave up on finding yellow or blue in good condition in my parts
  9. that filler coupler is available from dealer : MB18 1707 some of the vapor hoses aren't available though
  10. oh awesome thanks! It will take me a bit to get it to you ... my computer with the cal had hdd failure and I can't get the cal off the ecu until I reconnect the battery (after i finish fuel pump install).
  11. I just finished my basic open water certification 2 days ago !
  12. although the fuel system won't be much use since he's doing a motor swap
  13. i mounted my EMS-4 in the exact same manner! the only problem was the fuse blocks, i just jammed them behind the gold stock mounting bracket
  14. Fuel tank mostly out. What a miserable job out is to get those hoses free .
  15. I had a big long post, but bear in mind everything from that place is potentially dangerous. Especially anything that you plug in the wall be especially wary of, everything I have ever purchased from there ended up catching fire or shocking me. The air tools are ok, many need to be repaired in some shape or form after a few uses (the pneumatic floor scrap in particular... but it was a useful tool). Buyer be ware when buying anything from HF. And it's it's something that is only slightly cheaper than getting a more reputable brand, get the more reputable brand.
  16. thanks, i'll politely decline to keep it
  17. I've been given one of these pumps http://www.aemelectronics.com/high-flow-in-tank-fuel-pump-1290 I don't believe it'll work, but before I go pulling out the tank and making a mess of the garage I'd like to know if I can make it work... The reason I ask is it's an in tank pump.
  18. Have left a pillar? How about the clips for door?
  19. battery may not be charged enough. also aem has some connectivity issues on some models of ecu if you don't have a password set.
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