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Master Vivi's Car Questions! (as seen in bs forum as nightmarish adventure)


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Hey guys,


This is my car problems post, I will post pictures, and hopefully you guys can help me.

I also have a ton of questions, maybe you guys can all help me with those as well!


If any of you have time to help, you can also give me your phone numbers and I can text you problems, so I can get faster help.


Pictures to come very soon, they are uploading...

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I have no idea what these wires are for, and why they aren't hooked up to things.

Does anyone know?




There is some sort of liquid that leaked out of this. It's kind of above the engine to the back, does anyone know what leaked, and why maybe?

What is that pipe? Why is there a cap on it? Do I need to put stuff in it? Should I be worried that it leaked? It looks like the leak wasn't recent though.




A zoomed out picture of it, to let you see where it is.




You see that empty bolt-hole? What goes there? Where can I get new bolts to fit in there?

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There are a LOT of vacuum line relays/splitters in here, is all that necessary?

Might I be losing power due to some of that??



This wire is below the power steering, and it's drenched in power steering fluid.

How bad is that, and is it dangerous? It's not really wrapped, and might that be the cause of the 14th fuse that pops nonstop now?



What is that black thing, my horn setup? My steering wheel has no horn spot on it right now, just empty, how can I ge tmy horn to work?

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There is a hole in this spot in the back drivers side wheel area. Is that bad? LOL.


I will upload more pictures when I get back to the computer.

Thanks all.

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The heater hose with the port in it is for flushing the coolant. It is an aftermarket add on. Prestone makes that.



There is a FAQ section that has a lot of info on it. It should answer a lot of your questions.

Edited by RF600
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Download the service manual for 1988 here and read it.. http://www.starquestgarage.com/





I already own it, and I'm already reading it. I can't look something up if I don't know what it is.


Anyways, I'm showing symptoms and looking for possible solutions/diagnosis.

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You will have to go through the vacuum lines to make sure none are cracked and going to the right places. No idea why you have a hole in you wheel well. Rest is fine.


I've actually replaced almost all of them recently, none are cracked, all of them seem to be going somewhere.

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You will have to go through the vacuum lines to make sure none are cracked and going to the right places. No idea why you have a hole in you wheel well. Rest is fine.

bad alignment or the torque rod or w/e its called for adjustment is messed up pulling the wheel to far forward or back depending on where its rubbing. thats the inner fender wheel

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That horn thingy is an aftermarket alarm. Just rip all that ish out. That cap thingy on the heater hose is a backflush kit somebody installed previously. Just get a replacement hose and replace it. Theres a vacuum line diagram in the FSM you can look at to figure out the proper routing.
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http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/57260_558917387468864_348646200_o.jpg From the looks of that hose, I would replace it due to the swelling. Its a tell tail sign that it an old hose.
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That is your heater hose. the "T" fitting with the screw on cap is a hose connection used for flushiig out your engine coolant.


you need to replae the hose it is swelling bad like mentioned before.




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In the pic on the rear suspension. There isn't really anything jumping out, but there is a lot of corrosion. I'd bet money though that the car could use new struts. Struts are wear items and many people are shocked how their car rides with new struts. Fair warning though, with the built up rust and dirt, that will be no fun.


The black speaker looking thing behind the car alarm speaker is your horn. You'll have to do some poking round with a volt meter to figure out why it isn't working. It is possible it just isn't hooked up in the steering wheel.


The bolt hole in the intake manifold shouldn't mater much. I could be wrong, I'm in the process of putting my car back together, but I think that is just a hole. Probably meant as a mount for something but we don't have whatever that something is.


The powersteering drenched wires are the oil pressure sensor and the knock sensor most likely. First fix the issue with the powersteering, stop that leak. Then you should go through and clean up those wires. Be gentle the plastic jackets are probably very brittle. I tend to use a paper towel and spray a bit of 409 to clean oily crap off of wires. Don't use anything too strong as I said they are already going to be brittle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright guys...

Next year I want to replace my entire suspension.

Can you guys help with a list of parts I'll need, and maybe links to where to get them, or prices, what to look for, stuff like that?

I would be extremely grateful, but I'll be researching this information as well.

I know you guys know where to get the best stuff, and where to get stuff specifically for these cars, so please help me out.



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Help us help you... by you learning to use the search on here and Google. You should have already downloaded the fsm, and that will tell you the names for parts, then search the names of the parts and you will have answers almost instantly.



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