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Sixth sense, have you ever.....


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That gut feeling we experience, have you ever felt when you're working on a car and this thought pops up in your mind: This part or tool could slip and cut/puncture my hand and then right after that feeling it happens! It's happened to me a few times, usually so fast I had no time to prevent it.


I was just watching a program about a possible sixth sense capable of predicting a immediate future event and even being able to sometimes connect a thought with someone else.


From what I remember, when I was about 10 years old I was in my front yard and heard this motorcycle so I looked to my right and the rider was about a block away from me, for no reason this feeling came to my mind that he was going to crash and right after he did crash, he coiled and rolled a good distance to the left and his motorcycle went to the right. I ran over and he tried to stand up but fell again, there were road rashes and a very deep wide cut just above the right knee. About a minute later this car came by and the driver took him away to the hospital.


Another event, about 9 years later and living here in the states, I was dating this girl with long straight blond hair and this one day I was on my way to see her, when just a few blocks away from her home I came to a stop behind this car, in the back seat I could see the back of the head of this blond girl that looked a lot like my girlfriend, I remember just fixing my eyes on her wondering why she was riding in that car and then for no reason she looked back and locked her eyes with mine and then she turned her head forward again, it felt like she knew I was staring at her, very weird and awkward, to this day it has stuck in my mind as to how did she know someone was watching her?


Both events could have been coincidences but what are the odds?

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That gut feeling we experience, have you ever felt when you're working on a car and this thought pops up in your mind: This part or tool could slip and cut/puncture my hand and then right after that feeling it happens! It's happened to me a few times, usually so fast I had no time to prevent it.


I was just watching a program about a possible sixth sense capable of predicting a immediate future event and even being able to sometimes connect a thought with someone else.


From what I remember, when I was about 10 years old I was in my front yard and heard this motorcycle so I looked to my right and the rider was about a block away from me, for no reason this feeling came to my mind that he was going to crash and right after he did crash, he coiled and rolled a good distance to the left and his motorcycle went to the right. I ran over and he tried to stand up but fell again, there were road rashes and a very deep wide cut just above the right knee. About a minute later this car came by and the driver took him away to the hospital.


Another event, about 9 years later and living here in the states, I was dating this girl with long straight blond hair and this one day I was on my way to see her, when just a few blocks away from her home I came to a stop behind this car, in the back seat I could see the back of the head of this blond girl that looked a lot like my girlfriend, I remember just fixing my eyes on her wondering why she was riding in that car and then for no reason she looked back and locked her eyes with mine and then she turned her head forward again, it felt like she knew I was staring at her, very weird and awkward, to this day it has stuck in my mind as to how did she know someone was watching her?


Both events could have been coincidences but what are the odds?


I believe in De Javu like tonight some stuff happened that I had already felt was gonna happen like a friend started saying a line and before he could finish I knew what he was gonna say and how I was gonna reply to him and someone else too.

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The sixth sense phenomenon isn't all that impossible to imagine but discussions about it border on philosophy and religion or personal belief.



Allot of it comes down knowing the truth from our own lifetime experiences with physics.

There are simple ergonomic instances when we think we can will something to happen to ourselves but the truth is we set ourselves up for it mentally or prepare ourselves as it was.



I believe our own subconscious within our mind the 90% or so that controls everything else we do in our minds from the involuntary breaths to some of more profound involuntary afflictions that are classified by medical terminology as symptoms of uncontrollable emotions which can manifest in many different ways



From the time we are conceived until we are born we are protected and given nutrients inside our mothers.

During that time we have a mental connection that builds along with and out grows the physical bond and the umbilical cord after it is cut.



You have read many times of the mental connection mothers have with their children when they are young, knowing or sensing what they children are doing and when.


But children have the same ability with parents though it is just accepted as normal to a young child to know what their parent is thinking or doing, but usefulness of the action is often suppressed by what is perceived as normal behavior especially during formal education, but it is still there should it need be awakened in a time of distress or dire need.


It is that image we have of ourselves that gives belief to the inner child where the idea of the subconscious is a powerful irreconcilable child that needs to be understood, as some children are well behaved others don't listen.

And so it is from this early developmental stage of obedience or disobedience that we gain or lack control of ourselves.



Animals have an innate sense of what is to happen, some of the animals that have been close to man and have a shared symbiosis in a common environment have shown to know the difference between a weak individual and a superior one.


If you have ever been around horses you can attest to a horse knowing if you have the ability to handle them.

I believe that is true for any intelligent animal, in which is the fact in most instances since unintelligence is not tolerated long in their natural world.



This is why I believe positive thought is so important, and being able to see the truth as well as feel it, you know something is right when you can sense it with more than just your vision.


This is why many people are fond of animals.

Because they do not speak with words as humans do, they do not have to lie.

You know where you stand with an animal and there are minimal requirements, of

food & water sleep and affection.


Things that are familiar to us when we were young and helpless.

Basic needs that we can build upon with trust.

(What you can not see or hear but feel)

And in turn helps to create our own truth an confidence within ourselves to express to others and our inner child that teaches us how to feel everything and to test its truth.

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Each to their own, believe what you will... as for myself; I "KNOW" w/o a doubt, that I would "NOT" be here today w/o that "Lil Voice" (whatever you wish to describe it as) that has saved me all too many times!
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I have a sixth sense. For example I "sense" I'm about to get slapped if I say my wife looks fat in that dress. :P



No, that's common sense.


I believe in all this stuff. I get Deja VU on a wekly basis, and sometimes I even see or sense dead people. It's really the only thing that I still have that makes me believe there's a "God" out there. If you believe in th supernatural, you pretty much have to believe in a higher power or an afterlife of some sort.

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Without a doubt there is something out there that we cant always see or hear or touch, but it touches our lives everyday. I have experienced the same type of things the OP discussed. For instance: Severalyears ago I was living in a small suburb of Indiannapolis, and myself my boss and 2 other guys from work shared a townhouse. My boss and I were coming home from work one evening in my car. I was sitting at a stoplight waiting to turn left, and when the light turned green I started to go and stopped about halfway across the line and my boss Charlie looked at me and said "what are you doing?". I just looked at him and stated that I didnt know. As I was saying that an older man blew thru the stoplight right infront of us and crashed into the ditch on the other side of the intersection. We pulled over and called 911, the guy was experiencing some sort of heart problem, so after the ambulance hauled the guy away, Charlie said, "Ok BC, I gotta know how you knew that was coming, you never hesitate when you drive, you are always on the gas, so why did you hesitate this time?". I didnt have an answer for him, but later realized that the car the old guy was driving which was a crown vic would have cut right threw my little pontiac at the rate of speed he was moving and probably wouldve hit right in the passenger side door. Charlie would probably have been seriously hurt and I dont think I wouldve been in too good a shape either. I cant explain what happened that day, other than to believe that someone or something that day was watching out for us. I have had many other experiences of similar happenstance, but that is the one that standsout the most in my mind. Higher power, sure I believe there is something out there, to me its like the wind, I cant see it but I sure can feel it when it impacts my life.



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Sorry, but this is all nonsense. None of you are psychic or clairvoyant. You don't have a sixth sense. It is all coincidence, and a well understood tendency of the human brain to seek out patterns in things, even where none exist.
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Sorry, but this is all nonsense. None of you are psychic or clairvoyant. You don't have a sixth sense. It is all coincidence, and a well understood tendency of the human brain to seek out patterns in things, even where none exist.

I have to agree with chip on this one. the human mind it constantly calculating and learns from different perspectives

The data from scienctific facts all point to intellegence way beyond our conscience understanding.

Cogito ergo sum "I think, therefore I am"


Testing between to diffent species (pigions and monkeys) revealed evidence of unthought of logic.




but in other tests of visual perception monkeys had better visual skills





An if by any logical conclusion is drawn by this,

then at least this is just a shadow of our minds abillity to reason in these skills on the subconscious level.


So the question is if we do not experience any deviation in our daily experience, does it still happen?

If the occurance of the unexplained goes un-noticed and even ignored is it realative to our human experience?


If a tree falls in the forrest, and there is no one to hear it, does it make a sound?


Is it important? No because I can feel that it happened.


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we need to change your name to ChipBuzzkill Lee ;)


I'm fine with killing this kind of buzz. Adults should be rational enough to think things through more thoroughly than this. The idea that "someone or something" watches over you or intervenes when you're in danger is an obvious manifestation of the human ego. Where was this helpful had for all of the tens of thousands of people who died in traffic accidents last year? What did you do to deserve the heads up, when so many others got killed or injured? It is all coincidence, plain and simple, and to suggest otherwise is offensive to those who have died unexpectedly, and offensive to their devastated families.

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I'm fine with killing this kind of buzz. Adults should be rational enough to think things through more thoroughly than this. The idea that "someone or something" watches over you or intervenes when you're in danger is an obvious manifestation of the human ego. Where was this helpful had for all of the tens of thousands of people who died in traffic accidents last year? What did you do to deserve the heads up, when so many others got killed or injured? It is all coincidence, plain and simple, and to suggest otherwise is offensive to those who have died unexpectedly, and offensive to their devastated families.





How is the original post offensive to the deceased and their families?

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If you remove the idea of reason or rational thought, then yes you could be very disappointed during life's hardships



But if you allow the thought of something greater instead of a nearsighted view that no one has control then self-effort is rewarded with hope, otherwise what is the purpose of self-effort, although in my personal experiences whenever I attempted what I thought to be the logical solution through personal action I was opposed, but by contemplation and sincere emotional reflection upon a greater whole, my problems were reversed and solutions were instantaneous.

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Chip, How is the original post offensive to the deceased and their families?


That's another loaded question. If you're wondering if I think your post was offensive, just ask if I think your post was offensive. When you ask "how" the original post is offensive, it assumes I think it was offensive. I didn't say anything that would suggest that your post was offensive. I said people who think they've been protected by an "overseer" should be bothered by the fact that so many innocent people weren't protected by an overseer, and I said it's offensive to those people and their families to go around believing you were worthy of protection but they weren't.

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Chip, I appreciate your ability to be a higher thinker, but there is no way that can tell me what I've experinced is nonsense. I am just as confident in my beliefs as you are in yours, and you would have as much sucess convincing me that my beliefs are nonsense, as I would convincing you that your beliefs were nonsense. That ain't happeneing, and you're no better of a human than I, so who's right? Nobody and everybody.


It's one thing to put your opinion out there, but it's a totally different thing to put it out there like you're 100% right. You don't "know" what's out there any more than any other person who researched and "knows" their beliefs.

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I believe you have to apply reason to listening to an inner voice,

besides the obvious question of who's voice are you listening to, there is a limit of sanity to telling people your listening to voices inside your head.


You can weigh the reasons why an accident happened or if it was an accident at all.

A person who neglects vehicle maintenance, or health maintenace for that matter is an accident waiting to happen.


A person that chooses not to be concerned about anothers well being when given the oportunity is in itself neglect of correct action, and all stem from choice.


People are late to where ever they are going every day.

I see it every day, ultimately that is a choice of control in ones personal affairs.


Giving your life for your country or to protect those you care for is one thing.

But pushing yourself on the road because you want to be on time to school or work is foolish when you could have planned ahead better or your teacher or boss demands it, well then its time to reaccess your priorities and options.


And then what about people that purposely attempt or create accidents?


If a person is able to negotiate these pit falls in life, then why should they succum to them in other forms?


There maybe a natural selection to it, but since the selection is correct, why can it not be celebrated as sublime, when we already know what the opposite is?


I've lost loved ones to accidents I seen them hurt severely too, but ultimatly they were preventable and if I was in the position to prevent them myself I would have.


There are some people that have never experienced a hardship in their entire life, I don't envy them, I don't criticize them I feel a sense of sadness for them because of their ignorance to that type of pain.


But those people that know they have avoided pain and suffering, no matter how they belived it was accomplished,

I am for them and do not believe they have the intention to increase my sorrow,

but to relieve it through their sharing of joy in the avoidance of pain.


I am sure there are those out there who would falsely bate those to express their personal beliefs and to use those beliefs against us, but as these have been presented in this thread I sense this is not the case.

And perhaps the medium we use to communicate here is helping us to rely more on what we personally feel. then what is written or expressed otherwise because it can surely be the most confusing :D

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When I was 18 a really good friend of mine died in a train vs. automobile accident at just past midnight on a Saturday. The Saturday before at about the same time, I was with him as we crossed some railroad tracks with no signals or those arms that come down, just as we passed the tracks, the train whizzed by, a couple seconds sooner and we would have been hit. Coincidence? Kind of hard to believe in that much of a coincidence. Moral, not my time to go.
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What did you do to deserve the heads up, when so many others got killed or injured?


That remains to be seen, thanks for bringing your soapbox to destroy yet another thread that you dont agree with. Why cant you just skip over these threads and leave well enough alone. You know where this is gonna go. Try being the bigger man and stop before you start typing your same old tired rant.





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Re-read the whole thing, then read again. At no point has anyone said they are psychic or anything of the sort. Why cant you just live and let live? Nobody is attacking you or your beliefs...If you dont agree with what is being posted...pass it over and move on with your life. Your internal struggles with who you are and what you have problems with dont need to become everyone elses problems. Try you own advice, grow up and learn when to let it go.



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Lol. So you think you're psychic, I point out how ridiculously unlikely that is, and I'm ruining the thread? Please. Grow up.


Just stop intruding, there is another layer of being that is with us on this earth. Who says you can only exist in a physical form on earth?


I have almost died numerous times, from electrecution to a tree; bigger than I can wrap my hands around; falling on me. Yet each time something crazy happens that I survive. Like when the tree fell I was taking it down with a two sided ax and it didnt follow my first chop because it was on an axis and decided to come down on me. I was looking down at the time that it came down and hit me in the head and threw me out of the way when i fell back.

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Intruding? What did I do, hack your private message inbox? Is this the twilight zone? Intruding on a public message board... Never heard anything so silly. Oh wait, yeah I have. It was your ideas about the other realms we can exist in other than the physical. Bwhaha!
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Nope, You're mistaken if you think we haven't. Period. Prove me wrong. You can't, just like I can't prove to you that you're mistaken for thinking the way you do. So where does that leave us? Agree to disagree? Apparently not.
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