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Black box on engine?


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So I have this black box next to my fuel injectors that has a vacuum line atached to it and then it has a large metal tube that goes behind the valve cover and ataches to the exhaust coming out of the turbo. What is this. Any advice would help. I cant post pictures right now but will try again in a bit.
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It's not EGR. Exhaust gas flows through the head and intake to the EGR valve near the throttle body.


It's called secondary air. It works sortof like a smog pump does. At certain engine speeds the ECU activates secondary air allowing fresh air to enter the exhaust before the cats. This helps the cats do their job and reduce emissions. Most just remove that system.

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Its not a "smog thing", it helped keep the convertors from burning up. You got way too rich fuel mix dumping into the exhaust quite often and that fresh air introduced into the stream ahead of the first convertor gave it oxygen to burn that up but since there has always been morons tied to anything that has the term "smog" mentioned, if I were you and there was still a convertor on your car if you had any sense at all you would LEAVE IT THERE or its just going to speed up the clogging of that convertor. Why did the convertors clog up? Coolant didn't help for one but since injectors were never cleaned every few years and the fuel just dumps into the exhaust, the valve seals are no good and the oil dumps in with the rest and nobody knows what the oil separator system does so its removed you get these wannabe dumbarses with these POS cars rolling down the road smoking with the lame excuse they cleaned up their engine bay when most of that was ripped out and they just turn their car into a crap pile cause they are stupid.
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