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Everything posted by DJpowerHaus

  1. I've watched them all. Awesome. She really seems to enjoy showing them off too!
  2. Its been my experience that if your neighbors hate you and want you out of the neighborhood, you're probably doing something ignorant / inconsiderate and just don't see it. Maybe the dog barks all the time when you're not there and that has them pissed off? Maybe you've got a mess that you won't clean up? Warming your car up in the driveway at 6am with half an exhaust? Most things you have every right to do, but probably shouldn't let happen. It doesn't take much piss people off enough for them to have a grudge. Have you tried inviting them over for tea to discuss it? Communication is always key in conflict resolution. Kill with kindness!
  3. It amazes me that some people still think its smart to drive through flooded streets. After all the videos of people getting stuck and having to be rescued, you would think it would cross their minds before they became that person.
  4. I didn't know that. That should make things easier.
  5. Most swaps I've seen get this far and then take another 6 months. Just a bit of warning. My signature on projectzerog says it all: Getting the engine bolted in is about 10% of the way there. The next 80% can go quickly with help and skill. That last 10% takes about as long as the 90% that came before it. Best luck. You'll enjoy the end result.
  6. But at least you can buy the Top Gear Starion the Clarkson drove the other year: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=250472942129
  7. Its a shame when this stuff happens. Don't let it turn you off from the 4G64. Its a great motor, but like any motor, it can have problems.
  8. I work at a non profit dormitory that houses 21 and up International Students in Washington DC. I do admissions and IT support. I live and work here so I have no commute, and very little stress. Part of the mission of the house is to promote cultural understanding. The way we do this is by eating, having parties and drinking. I feel like I've died and gone to heaven. Women in their twenties from all corners of the world: Dutch, Brazilian, Italian, Japanese, German, etc who all are smart and motivated. Most everyone who lives here loves sightseeing and going on day trips. The pay is not the best (they take my room and board from my rent), but the benefits far outweigh the low pay. Photos: http://facebook.ishdc.org
  9. Its all about the tires. My Miata literally cannot get out of a parking spot in 1" of snow with Azenis, but it can own an SUV in the snow with ice/snow tires.
  10. http://projectzerog.com/videos/SnowDriftingLowRez.wmv Here is a fun video I shot in 2003 in the Sam's Club parking lot where I worked. Super crappy video with no sound, but it was fun. I miss driving a Starquest in the snow with Blizzaks. Driving 40mph by a lawn full of SUVs that slid off the road in a lowered sports car... priceless.
  11. You need to hook up a fuel pressure regulator and measure the flow from the return line for the test to mean anything.
  12. There is a guy on projectzerog.com who built a twin turbo 2.4L 4G64. It was pretty mean too. http://www.doitbig.org/coltboostin/pics/4G...hed07%20019.jpg
  13. Depending on the type of transmission, it could either be a wideblock or a narrow block. Both can work with the swap, but only the wideblock will bolt to the stock transmission. A guy on my site offers narrowblock adpter bellhousings for several popular Toyota and GM transmissions.
  14. Most wastegates use the same setup. When you bolt the WG on to the flange, it puts a little pre-load onto the valve to keep it sealed.
  15. Didn't your parents teach you about saying help unless you really need it? What do you need help with anyways?
  16. Has anyone read Racecar Engineering or Retro Car? Two [EXPENSIVE $10] British car magazines that are just filled with good stuff. Worth the money in my opinion. The stories I heard about how cars got featured in mainstream US mags were just ridiculous. It is all about advertising, not just in the ads, but the features as well. Unless *DM or Mookeh were going to post big ads, I don't think too many SQ's would ever be featured in one of those magazines.
  17. Nope. Have not found one, but I'm wondering if anyone can find one. Anyone park on the street in an area that has been gone through by Google's Street View?
  18. I saw this on the floor outside a church in italy... Virgin Mary? http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/97rj6Sfqgi4xfBfi36DCAA
  19. Not to mention drilling out the bolts that hold the key on the column so you can use your same key with a different column.
  20. The alternator did burn the big wire the night before he handed the car over to me. We assumed that the wire was the cause. Do you guys think its the alternator and the burnt wire I found was caused by this? I have a photo on my photo album about Craig's swap: http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/wPU3WqOVjTk7BJOn4gueHA
  21. What does the torque curve look like?
  22. I'm in DC today for a job interview.
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