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  1. Appreciate that Scott, I did not think of that I can get with my tuner, and have him enrich the hot start up
  2. Wondering if it possibly could be the starter. I only mentioned that, not disregarding what you guys have mentioned, but once it’s hot, this is the original starter and perhaps is drawing a lot more amperage now, when hot
  3. So I was at a performance shop yesterday, checking my startup voltage on my 87 conquest, which has been modified quite a bit ,the batteries in the back, and the owner of the Performance shop told me to go ahead and turn it over. Well it did start, but it was kind of hard to start. That’s another subject. But it was smoking, a fair amount. Not pouring smoke, but definitely noticeable. So, haven’t really seen that before with this car, except the last time that the motor was hurt a little bit. So while it was idling, we opened up the valve cover oil fill cap and you could feel the blow by coming out of that oil fill hole. Also, the breather cap on the back of the valve cover also was puffing a little bit. So, I’m thinking to myself I must’ve hurt the rings or something along those lines, for it to have crank case blow by like this. So this morning, I ran a compression check when it was dead cold. And the compression was 138 on number four, 130 on number three, 133 on number two, and 137 on number one. So now I’m a little bit confused, because the last time my Engine broke some rings and scuffed a piston up a little bit. Three of the pistons checked out and one was like 75-80pounds. So I thought I’d post this up with some of the experience on this forum being extensive, and see if somebody else could give me their thoughts as to how that could happen, by the way, the plugs were all lightly tanned and looked really good. So now I’m not sure if my rings are hurt or not. and when I started it today, it didn’t smoke at all. One guy mentioned to me, possibly turbo seals, or the intake going into the turbo is got a lot of oil in it. Not sure… any help is gonna be appreciated.
  4. I have an 87 conquest. I am running a Holly EFI standalone computer ,car fires up fine with cold start and will fire up fine if it’s been sitting for at least an hour or more after reaching full operating temperature. But, if I shut it off after it’s fully warmed up and then try to start at five minutes later or 15 minutes later, it won’t start or as hard to start. I know a lot of the community runs aftermarket computers and may have some thoughts on this. I will tell you that my fuel pressure seems to be holding fine and the fuel systems in great shape. So I think that can be taken off the table , thanks for the help
  5. Thanks Dad….. I guess you retired and closed up your Machine Shop, but you’re still involved with the community. That’s great. Appreciate it.
  6. I have a 1987 conquest. I’ve had the car for about 12 or 13 years. The cruise control has always worked, but the other day when I took it out for a drive on the interstate all of a sudden the cruise is not engaging at all. Haven’t really had to mess with it and all the years I’ve owned it. Any ideas or tips would be appreciated, thank you.
  7. Thanks TSI, I will check that.
  8. A couple of months ago my blower motor quit working….or rather when I hit the fan switch…it’s not coming on. I pulled the electric schematics, and I see there’s a blower motor relay before the blower motor. Where is the blower motor relay located?
  9. Well, I found out what the culprit was, and should’ve known better by not checking this first. As it’s one of my own rules, always go to the simplest things first. But I think the noisy lifter through my focus off. It was indeed a plug wire that was almost out of the, cap, and some corrosion developed in the cap. That was the miss. thanks for everybody chiming in. I replaced plugs. Wires, cap and rotor. Running very well now. Thanks.
  10. Well, I will tell you when I pulled the plugs a week ago when all this started, they were just a light tan color. The gap 26. But since I had trouble starting it a few days ago, the plugs are a little fouled now with gas. The plugs I’m using are NGK-BUR7EA11. what is the leak down Test going to tell me.
  11. So, let me ask this question in regards to lifters. Is it possible for me to have a failing lifter that under even a light load or moderate load causes the engine to miss, but when I do a compression, check compression checks out good. Because that seems to be, what might be going on. Didn’t know if that was a possibility or not.
  12. Hey Fuze…it is a G54B, I have a Holly EFI standalone. So ,no vacuum advance. When I first pulled the plugs just to see what they look like they looked really good. But the other day I was having a little bit of a problem starting it …so it may be something I’d have to get my tuner to look at. Although I don’t know how anything would’ve changed in the tune. I definitely looked at vacuum mines because I was positive the day it happened, that I had blown a vacuum line off. But I couldn’t find any vacuum lines that were off.
  13. Hey Fuze…it is a G54B, I have a Holly EFI standalone. So ,no vacuum advance. When I first pulled the plugs just to see what they look like they looked really good. But the other day I was having a little bit of a problem starting it …so it may be something I’d have to get my tuner to look at. Although I don’t know how anything would’ve changed in the tune. I definitely looked at vacuum mines because I was positive the day it happened, that I had blown a vacuum line off. But I couldn’t find any vacuum lines that were off.
  14. Well….. I should’ve known that, but I did check this morning, and I don’t have a vacuum advance. Almost wish I did, so that that would be probably an easy fix. Any other ideas from anybody would be appreciated.
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