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My boss is going to kill me


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This Thread is here by deemed worthless until pictures are provided of said girl. Frappuchino is appreciated, but not the subject matter at hand.


Due to her having already left the premises currently, this shall have to do




( she secretly hangs out with me and my friends at LAN parties and such without my boss knowing LOL )

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oh wow be careful my boss fired me once for kissing his daughter at a new years eve party and i didnt even know it was his daughter :hug:


My boss gives me crap all the time whenever he knows I'm talking with her ( like when he disicovered she was playing WoW with me )


Hell with my immigration thing, he was saying I'd marry someone if they really needed it, so I was like so why arent you marrying me?!!!! he looked at me and was like you could marry my daughter! LOL I told her this... hilarity ensued

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lol, we are dating before i started working here though. so its a slightly different story.








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I'm one to really try to live by the dont dip the pen in the company ink rule.

I met jessica when we both worked at home depot, then she got me my job at Toyota when she worked there. we worked together about 20 ft apart for almost 3 years.


Freaking un-bearable. I love my wife to death. but cant stand working next to her

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I'm one to really try to live by the dont dip the pen in the company ink rule.


Dude, she brought you coffe at work when she doesn't work there. That means she went the extra step to go get you something she didn't have to. Also she did it at your work, risking her dad seeing it, or better yet enjoying the thril of possibly getting caught. Either way that means she may like you more than you realize. Read the signs. If she didn't say something like "OMG Never" when you mentioned her dad saying you could marry her then she likes you.


I understand the whole company ink concept but life's too short. Take a shot and see where it leads. You already have your foot in the door. Take the next step towards building a relationship. Take a chance, you'll be glad you did.

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... I so do not want my boss as my gf's father LOL


She's also a very considerate girl though in the end - I mean, my boss is iranian, and she's an Iranian-American so he tries to uphold her to be around the same group of people, when she really isn't that way. Hell today she was hanging around the office in one of the cubicles waiting toi pick up her brother and was wondering if he'd get mad if she installed Command and Conquer and I showed her quakelive.com - I mean I wouldn't be surprised if in the end she really does like me, but... last thing I need or want is my boss to be my gf's dad ( you just don't know my boss... lol ) - friends really more than anything else.


She was actually lectured about bothering me today :lol:

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We already know your boss has... ahem, uh, personal/behavioral issues...


and how much fun it is to inform his daughter when it all happens LOL


" hey, i just caught your dad furiously masturbating. he didn't even apologize"

" i so did NOT need to know that justin! i HATE you!"

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... I so do not want my boss as my gf's father LOL


She's also a very considerate girl though in the end - I mean, my boss is iranian, and she's an Iranian-American so he tries to uphold her to be around the same group of people, when she really isn't that way. Hell today she was hanging around the office in one of the cubicles waiting toi pick up her brother and was wondering if he'd get mad if she installed Command and Conquer and I showed her quakelive.com - I mean I wouldn't be surprised if in the end she really does like me, but... last thing I need or want is my boss to be my gf's dad ( you just don't know my boss... lol ) - friends really more than anything else.


She was actually lectured about bothering me today :lol:


You aren't trying to date your boss, just his daughter. Sometimes the people we meet and really want to be with come with relatives we can't stand. I really don't like some of my inlaws but I really couldn't care less about that. I made a commitment to my wife, not her whole family.


So you may not get along with her dad very much. That may change. It all depends on how he see's you. If you portray yourself as someone who wants a lasting relationship with his daughter he may warm up to you and you two may actually become friends. On the other hand if you portray yourself as someone who just wants to sleep with his daughter well,.... you know what will happen. If you decide to date her be up front with him. Because of his background he may respond well to you asking permission to date his daughter. But be honest and confident with your answers. Don't stumble, speak softly, or hesitate. Be bold. And don't let others influence how you might feel about her.


If nothing else convinces you then think of this. If you can honestly say to yourself you would NOT even slightly be jealous if you saw her with another guy then let it go. But,.... if you would feel even slightly jealous then you owe it to yourself to try. Life doesn't give you many second chances and you never know who you are going to end up with. Who knows, dating her could be the best decision you ever made.


4 years ago I met a random stranger online. We talked but never really hit it off. A few months later I set up a date with another girl but overslept and she took it as me standing her up. She never talked to me again. Than night the random stranger I had been talking to gave me her phone #. Now I talked to this person maybe once a week. And I'm not one for long phone conversations, 10-20 minutes tops. But,..... 7 hours later I had to switch phones because the battery was dead in the cordless and 4 hours after that we ended the conversation. No one else can get me to stay on the phone that long. 3 years later I married her. We will be celebrating our first anniversary in september. If I had showed up for that date with the other girl I might not have ever met my wife. You never know what's going to happen so take a chance. Taking a chance is better than feeling regret after sitting on your but and doing nothing.

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