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Is your's a DD?


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This time of year in Montana it is a toss up. On sunny days with no threat of severe weather it is my ESI-R. On days that we have rain or a chance of thunderstorms, it is the Durango R/T.When I lived in So. Cal I drove the car year round. Now....Only during fair weather.



Edited by Caliber308
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I daily drove mine for a year or so once we moved down here, some of the time driving 150 miles a day. It did great for me duing that time, but had been worked on by some of the best SQ mechanics out there beforehand. After I got another car to DD tho, the Starion was ready to come off the road and get some stuff handled- mostly suspension type stuff.



Really, since I had my engine built by Tainters way back in 04, the mechanicals have been pretty much trouble free, it's just keeping the rest of it from falling apart that has taken a little time LOL.


Good to hear its ran good for you, cant belive its been since 04 already :o


Ive been working on my car daily does that count for something :D But hope I can get this thing on the road in a week or so, but I am going slow and making sure to do it right.


My plan is to daily drive the Starion in the summer. (my sister daily drove the car for like 4 years even in the winters with snow tires).

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Haha, I daily mine. I just don't rev to the moon and boost to the sky. I do drive it fast though. I haven't really spent much on keeping my car going, because I don't drive it until something breaks.




No its because we drive 86s :lol:


And to answer the question yeah mines the daily. :)

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I daily mine. Its raced every week, drifted daily. Road trips, whatever. Its simple to work on, and cheap to drive. 28 mpgs and 400hp. Even when it was stock, it never left me stranded.
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Daily drove a conquest from '93 to '07. Finally had to break down and get something that could be 100% reliable with hardly any maintenance. Just got a little too busy for the upkeep really, but yeah, when you keep after them and don't beat on them too bad a conquest makes a perfectly reliable DD.
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Mine's been a daily almost non stop since 1987. These days it splits duty with a beater tercel (fantastic car) that is soon to be upgraded.


For their day the cars were moderately complicated and 24 years later with a half dozen owners per car things need done - even if it hasn't been ragged on and hacked up. It's just complex enough to need to know a bit to keep one (or 20). Pay attention! :)



Edit: Only left me on the road once for an ignitor about 15 years ago.

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