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Everything posted by Taz

  1. I kept looking everywhere for you and your car. Now I know why I couldn't find you!! It was another great event! The weather finally worked out for us. I can't wait for next year
  2. Just a heads up, they are already posting photos of unmarked cop cars sitting in the Carousel parking garage.
  3. That's why we aren't going this year. It feels weird not getting things ready to go. This will be the first time in years that we won't be at the spring show. Hopefully the cops back off a bit and you guys get to have a good time! We did the Virginia 1/2mile event last weekend instead of Ocean City. It was fun, but not the same. Here's hoping we will be able to go to the fall cruising weekend.
  4. http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/Mopar01/5f2bfadd2b5e05300057ddff01d8a2fe_zpssfiin0po.jpg
  5. Outside the hotel yesterday morning http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/Mopar01/988e3bebce2f4cd393a5496d11d29cb8_zpsu4sui3gc.jpg
  6. The number one rule in our household is: As long as all the bills are paid, nothing can be said about how the other spends their money. The only time his car hobby gets to me is when we go to car events. He sucks at being a passenger and taking two cars everywhere tends to get old and expensive.
  7. I'm not to far away. 50 miles or so north on 79
  8. Congrats!!! I bought the fiancé a Sifflers brace for the Lightning, so really I win on that one because I drive it way more than he does. He bought me a WVU football jersey, a model Starion and a Sig P290rs. http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/Mopar01/imagejpg1_zps0afed830.jpg But what I'm looking forward to the most is finally having some time off next week. This time of year is hell in the delivery business.
  9. Being able to attends meets was a lot easier when I was single and didn't have a job that I cared about. In the past I have slept in my car at rest areas and driven all night just to make PF. But the luxury of just loading the car on a trailer and taking off, without having to worry about anyone else has long since passed. The great thing about being in a relationship with someone who loves the car hobby is that 99% of the things we do revolve around cars. The downside is that we have to find events that make us both happy. I have done the who Mustang Week experience for him and I was miserable. And I'm pretty sure that attending a large SQ meet would be miserable for him, meaning it would also be miserable for me in the long run. I finally have him interested in attending a PF meet (because he can go drive his car on the Dragon), but thanks to my job, it'll be YEARS before I have the seniority to have time around the 4th off. I have already started hammering the idea of attending the Vegas meet next year into his head, and so far he is on board with going. But it will be a fly in and rent a car event for us. There is no way that I could get the time off from work to drive out and back. I am only allowed to submit a request for time off 30 days before hand. So, for me to take a "vacation" I have to fork out all the money months in advance and the only thing I can do is pray that 30 days out my request won't be denied. It sucks that I can't attend the events like I used to, but growing up means putting priorities in order, and sadly my cars have to come after keeping a healthy relarionship and the ability to pay bills.
  10. This is great to hear! Let me know when you get to the point of gathering door prizes and whatever else. I can hit up my rally sponsors and see if they can bring anything to the table.
  11. Do you still have the one left?
  12. When are you heading to Parkersburg to work?
  13. Bump! I recently purchased brake caliper brackets from Dale. Great communication, great price, really fast shipping and they arrived in great condition. It was a pleasure doing business with him and will gladly do so again in the future.
  14. I don't want to cut in line. So I'll say next in line. Just PM me the paypal info.
  15. See if you can post a new topic about your issue in the Virtual Mechanic forum. If you are unable to do so, let me know.
  16. I feel it is a fair question to ask. It is one that I asked myself a number of times. It was explained to me this way. Moderators are considered people who are respected members of this community and done a lot to help out this forum greatly. I know most will disagree that that statement applies to a few of us. But when you look at the names on the mod list that haven't beenaround for a while, it's hard to dispute the amount of stuff they have done for us. It is in the wishes of the site owner and a few of the older mods, that once that title is given, it not be revoked. Life hits us all at times and leaving the title there leaves the door open for them to come back and help the community once again. I may not agree with that reasoning, but it was an answer to a question. And it is an answer that I will respect because it is in the wishes of those that make this site possible. Those who carry a mod title and who have not come around a while are really not the issue anyways, so it is not something that I dwell on. There is no secret UN meeting that goes on behind closed doors. We try to moderate as a team and try to be consistent. But our opinions are GREATLY different and it is helpful having a place where we can voice our opinions and come to a conclusion. Take this thread for example. I locked it because my opinion differed from the opinions of the other mods when it came to how to moderate this topic. I locked it to give us time to discuss our opionins and come to a conclusion. What resulted was some sort of compromise and the thread was reopened. I feel that is a fair way to handle it. Members screamed about vanishing threads for years and now we are trying to make an effort to keep them open. We are never going to be able to please every one. But we do try to be fair. Kev did a great job trying to answer questions and be diplomatic at the same time, and yet he was still jumped all over. So maybe it would be best that those who feel the need to constantly push an issue, take a step back and give those of us who try a break. When can I get one?
  17. Been off dong one of the things that I do best.. Went and got this little girl out of a horrible situation. http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/Mopar01/21d08f9e69c66937601060558df708d5_zps9d18e18b.jpg Not its time for weeks of hands on training and trying to bring her back into proper health.
  18. I am the one that locked this thread again, so no need to place blame on any of the other moderating staff. The reason I did so, is because I feel it needs further mod discussion. I am well aware of the issues that the few previous posts may lead to and hopefully the lock will keep the drama at bay. Hopefully the issues will be resolved quickly and the lock can once again be removed. Until then, please be patient with us.
  19. Most of the Rallies cut through the south ( South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama or Florida) and most are in the middle of July. Being that my car doesn't have AC, it would make those long driving days pure hell. Plus, there aren't many SQs that I would trust to log 1500-3000 miles in a week with. I am on the hunt for a clean, stock, SQ (with working AC) to take on the 2015 Rally
  20. If the purpose of this thread is to have a "healthy" discussion about the moderation of this site, then NEITHER of the comments above are proving to be helpful. If the objective is to have yet another locked thread, then by all means, carry on in that direction.
  21. I'm throwing this up here because I know we have a good number of members in the area that this rally will be covering. The exact dates have not been hammered down, but I'm guessing it will be held between July 12th-16th. Starting line will be in Knoxville TN and it will probably end up in either Georgia or Florida. Rally North America events usually consist of 80 teams and spots usually fill up fast. If anyone is interested I can post the details here as they come out. Registration usually opens around Oct-Nov Rally North America is an organization that hosts Road Rallies to raise money for Charity. Each event registration requires a direct donation to the select charity and the starting positions are determined by the donations raised by each team. Some of the past Charities include the Stefanie Spielman fund for Breast Cancer, The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, Accelerated Cure Foundation and Camp Sunshine. Rally New England 2013 raised enough money to send over 42 children (and their families) to Camp Sunshine for a week Rally 50 2014 raised over $100,000 for The Accelerated Cure Project to help find a cure for MS Mike and I proudly competed in Rally Appalachia 2011 and Rally Dixie 2012, and we plan on coming back on 2015 for the Smoky Mountain Rally For those who don't know what a Road Rally is, it is a, fast paced, scavenger hunt on wheels. Each day usually starts around 6am and is followed by a stress full 5 to 6 hours of trying to track down checkpoints that span over a few hundred miles. But each day usually includes a race venue of some sort and each night consists of drinking, partying, and getting to know the other rally teams. I'm not going to lie, it isn't cheap, you will get into fights with your navigator a few times and you will want a vacation afterwards. But the memories and lifelong friends you will have afterwards are well worth it. Here are some photos from previous Rallies: Darlington 2011 Talladega 2012 Jack Daniels Distillery: Checkpoint 2012
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