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Everything posted by underpaidslave

  1. from what i know the gt4 wasnt in America.
  2. what is the diameter of our wheels? i mean the hub....
  3. played paintball for a year or so have a few spyders and a tippman but heres what i spent most of my hard earned money on. http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd209/chadhorrocks/saiga2.jpg added a pistol grip ak-47 stock and some other small things since this picture. EDIT if your wondering what it is google saiga 12.
  4. i would guess old bbs or some Japanese manufacture
  5. I was gonna say Atlantic blue but know I don't know Fiji is pretty sick.
  6. they should do it on my car all I need is a front air dam some paint and it would look like it did in 1987
  7. they just dont want to lower your rates. ever heard of a lie?
  8. holy crap that looks alot harder then it should. any way to test for leaking injectors?
  9. for real wish i could bolt up a 16g
  10. if its a 14b you can find them on any stock DSM.
  11. thats pretty much what i was thinking.
  12. yeah sounds like you blew a turbo i dont think high oil pressure would blow a turbo but i dont know for sure. you seem to be having terrible luck with your car...
  13. my primary still works if i buy his. but i atleaste want the intercooler piping.
  14. how big are the injectors? also piping you mean intercooler/turbo piping? pm a price for both.
  15. well the car ran fine before i rebuilt it, it was just leaking gas pretty good. other than injectors i guess the vac lines could be wrong but i dont remember how they were. cant find a diagram ANYWHERE that matches my car that is.
  16. i seem to be having the same problem without the overheating my car does it all the now AFTER i rebuilt the TB i sodderd new clips on and the problem persist but i put my injectors in a glass of B12 so im thinking i ruined my injectors so im ordering new ones. good luck.
  17. well thoes diagrams dont match my car.
  18. Thread Jack time. I just finished rebuilding my tb I don't know what hose goes where on the tb or does it matter?
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