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Everything posted by GoFastBeater

  1. Did you go up in the stratosphere? The big shot on top is nuts. I screamed like a girl.
  2. They've had some interesting advertising ideas in the past, but this one is ridiculous. Let this be the downfall of this brand's popularity in the U.S. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/laplaza/20...o-reconque.html http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2251/2383371667_df5fc24e2d.jpg Feel free to post a raging comment here: http://absolut.com/iaaw/blog/give-us-your-best-shot#comment And lastly, send an email to their public relations guy: Jeffrey Moran Director of Public Relations and Events The Absolut Spirits Company, Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019 USA Phone, direct: +1 212 641 87 20 E-mail: jeffrey.moran@absolut.com
  3. When you put a bunch of books together, they don't park junk cars in the yard and depreciate the resale value of homes in the neighborhood.
  4. LOL @ shaved cat. I want to see duct tape cat.
  5. Good tight silicone vacuum lines are your friend Zip ties come in handy too. Did you not have a boost gauge? Mine has come off a few times but when the gauge pegs it's usually a good thing to let off the skinny pedal. :driving:
  6. http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/03/30/us.iraq/?iref=hpmostpop Take a moment to realize what this Soldier and his family have endured. I'm glad their minds have finally been put at rest. A big thanks to the guys who pound the ground everyday over there investigating the whereabouts of these MIAs. Fouty and Jimenez were captured while I was over there and still have not been found.
  7. 1. Collect underwear 3. Profit
  8. this image no longer available
  9. Needs some new springs in the front or lowered in the back. The raked look went out of style in '81. Good call on the wheels. New ones are much better.
  10. clarify.....this is a MAS or a MAFT? If translator, then where do I send payment?
  11. If they dollar was up on the euro then that would be a wise choice. Right now you're gonna pay a whole lot of greenbacks for one while you're there.
  12. I have a drive shaft you can have if you wanna come down and pick it up.
  13. So then I should be able to write my wife checks and write that off because we have a kid? That makes no sense. If a portion of that child support goes to daycare, then sure give you the receipts and you can write that off. Otherwise, you get a standard tax deduction for the child. If you pay child support and didn't settle for you getting the deduction in the divorce agreement, then you screwed yourself. To make it fair they'd have to let married couples write off food, clothes, etc. for their children.
  14. and why do you feel you should get an unfair tax break? :offtopic9gk:
  15. Cheez. At least use a real truck if you're gonna do stuff like that.
  16. Higher octane does not mean it burns better, it means it just has a higher flash point (more heat/compression needed for ignition). Lower octane increases the chances of pre-ignition. If your car does not have a hot enough ignition or enough compression, then running higher than the recommended octane will most likely not get a complete burn, and mileage may even suffer slightly---not to mention spark knock is annoying.
  17. It's cool and all, but couldn't they make it a little more attractive?
  18. Let me guess that brown piston was #3?
  19. Isn't this the second job you've been "fired" from in the past couple years? Or am I thinking of somebody else?
  20. Blast from the past. I think that was on ryddler's first site.
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