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Lightning captured at 7,207 images per second

The Rabbit1

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Interesting. I wonder if that's two individual strikes, or if the first one that branches out does so because it didn't hit ground, but then the main strike follows the branch that got close to/hit the ground?
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That is just one strike. The larger brighter bolt is it finally reaching ground and traveling back up. The camera is so high speed that it looks like a slow motion crawl but you likely wouldn't even perceive that portion. Just the bright flash. Notice how the bolt pulses more than once too. The electricity travels upward multiple times on the same path per strike If memory serves.


Actually this will describe what is seen better. http://science.howst.../lightning3.htm

Edited by nomofwd
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Anyone heard of "Runaway Breakdown" as it relates to lightning? Basiclly, because the "+" and "-" charges in the clouds do not add up to enough energy to create a lightning bolt, there has to be an outside energy. The theroy is that Cosmic energy combines with the electros in the clouds, sets off a chain reaction, and produces lightning.


Here is a video from the PBS show NOVA that expalins it pretty well. Kinda makes you think "What have they been teaching me all my life??" when it comes to science teachers in school.


My favortie part of the video starts at the 4 minute mark, where the researchers have developed a way to create real lightning outdoors on command. I looked into setting up a rig to do it myself, but I had a hard time sourcing the Kevlar coated wire, or I was looking for spindilated wire.

I thought it would be a HELLUVA party trick.


"Oh, whats that guy? You can do a couple card tricks? Well check this out Mofo, BAM! Lightning!"


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