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My dogs killed a possum!


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Last night around 1AM I heard alot of rockus and barking from my dogs. I figured they were barking at the racoon or the possum that like to frequent our yard. But we just went outside and found the carcass of a rather large possum. Neither dog, the "muttweiler" or the cocker spaniel have any signs of bites or scratches. Should I worry about rabies? :unsure:
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hhmm, shots, yeah. It's been a while. I'm gonna have to take both of them in to the vet. LA vets are no joke. I took the cocker spaniel in two years ago and came out with a $700+ bill! :blink:
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I wouldn't worry about it. Not alot of rabies stories in the LA area. If you're really worried you can take the carcas to animal control and they can test it.


I threw the carcass in the trash, was already bloating. The kids were bug eyed over the carcass so I had to get rid of it.

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lol its a girl but she is very protective she is a white shepherd it was not a pretty sight she was covered in blood since her fur is all white.

I also have boy even he is scared of her its amusing when he backs down from her being the same size

Edited by demonquest22
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possums are nasty but the dogs should be fine. Ive heard stories of people kicking dead bloated cows and have 2 or 3 possums climb out the rectum. They crawl in there and eat the dead cow from the inside...... :wacko: :blink:
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