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Are you happy with the organization at PF?


Are you happy with the organization level at PF?  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you happy with the organization level at PF?

    • Yes. I like the way it is and has been for years.
    • Yes. but a little structure wouldn't hurt.
    • No. I think it needs a lot more structure.

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Please read below before voting.


In an unrelated thread some PF attendees mentioned that the organization at PF was "lacking". Only a few folks voiced their opinions but maybe there are more who feel the same way. This thread and poll are dedicated to determining the proper level of organization for the meet and for those who are unhappy to voice their opinions and how they intend to make the meet great for EVERYONE.


I am only an attendee at PF. At PF we are ALL attendees--meaning that there are really no organizers. Once a sensible block of days are determined around July 4th, everybody shows up at the same place. (Yes, someone calls Vacation Lodge and warns them we are coming but that's about it for organization) All other events such as go karts, dinner, and drives are improvised based on the current situations of those involved.


Just remember that if you vote that you are unhappy with the current level of organization that you will need to be one of those who helps make that change as the change will not occur on it's own.


Please discuss and be NICE! :)

Edited by helrazr70
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I think the cruise should be a set time so that everyone can participate in, even if their car is broken down, they can catch a ride along with someone else. Something set ahead of time, not on the day of. Beyond that, it's fine as it stands, a lot of successful shows follow what we do, aside that they may have an itinerary for like say, a drivers route meeting for the cruise/run and the time for when the run is going to start.
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I like the laid-back way we do PF but I also see where it would be nice to set times for certain events. You wouldn't have to participate, but if you did, at least there would be a time-frame for it. The events that I think need addressing would be go-carts, dragon run, and maybe a dinner.


I did not vote because there wasn't an option for "some" structure.



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Jimmy: Poll fixed. My first submission didn't show the poll at all so I redid it and forgot the 3rd option.



Unfortunately it is difficult to make dinner reservations when you can't guarantee the number who will be there. For parties larger than 20 they like a serious advance reservation and prefer it to be on one check. Early next year before PF maybe we can start calling restaurants that we know have large parking areas and see what it will take to make a reservation. Ince that is done we can try to ensure that everyone pays in CASH and that they know exactly what their meal total was to make the bill paying easier. I can help a little but I am further away now than before. I may make a trip or two before PF11 to see Ken_B and will drive through PF to visit. I can do a little recon then.


The best place was probably the one Ihsan set up in 2006 I believe at the fish camp restaurant. I am not sure it's still open, but they had a group menu and a large parking area in the theater lot next door. Does anyone know what that place is now called or was called?


Go karts can be fairly easily scheduled based on if it's fireworks night or not. (fireworks never happen when scheduled)


Driving runs can be scheduled in advance and readjusted based on circumstance if need be.


So far the top 3 issues are go karts, dinner, and drives. Can anyone think of anything else?

Edited by helrazr70
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eating and driving went about the same. one group went this way the other group went that way and you got to make a choice on which group you liked best i guess :lol:


as far as eating....there is a small grocery store right up the street and i know at least one member probably owns a GRILL. the money we all blow at some local restaraunt could make one HUGE cookout.


all the nice stereo systems i saw in peoples cars and not ONE person had some TUNES playing that i could hear.


not complaining about anything, we had a great time, but i think with maybe a few tweeks here and there it could make for a much more enjoyable event.


one thing we all know is that we are not gonna please everyone.

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as far as eating....there is a small grocery store right up the street and i know at least one member probably owns a GRILL. the money we all blow at some local restaraunt could make one HUGE cookout.


This has been mentioned in the past but never came to fruition. It's still a really great idea and it doesn't require a deposit or reservations--just a small "donation" from all who plan to eat.


I always value the days/evenings when we all hang out in the lot or garage in our chairs. It's "quality time" with the "family". We could always combine that with a meal and have a nice cookout in the lot next year.


Does anyone else think Mr cyberquest has made a very plausible suggestion?


We would have to work out who brings the grill and who does the shopping as well as a menu but it is still less work than coordinating with a restaurant!

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I could bring a couple big grills next time, if anybody wants to do that (actually thought about it but it was my 1st PF)........I like how everything is laid back and chill, I think the cruise should be planned tho! Way cooler (and SAFER on the canyon run) to see 20+ Quests rollin down the strip than 1 here and 1 there......Just my input :)


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The cruise idea isn't bad but it would need to be in the evening because the tempermental Starquest cooling system and bumper to bumper traffic during the day don't work well together.
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i know this thread isnt directed at me, but i think ole helrazr misinterpreted what i meant in the other thread when i said the organization at PF "blows"..



i like it laid back the way it is, and i think if EVERY little thing was planned out it would make it not fun... i just didnt like how we were like "we are goin to go to area 32 around noon.. " and no one voiced their opinions against it (some agreed that noon was good) and then someone was like "hey fanta said he was coming around noon" and we were like "ok hold on, someone call him... if hes close, we might wait, if not we will go around noon"


and then half the group was like "what? area 32? were leaving now???" and took off, splitting up the groups...


i just think people were too prone to "jump the gun" when deciding to do stuff

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I feel that the canyon run as far as safety is concerned should have structure. A set schedule would be great just so everybody is together. I had mentioned in the Code Red thread, that I think that my accident could have been avoided, if there wasn't a group of SQ's steaming ahead in the opposite direction, while the group I was in, was steaming at them. It makes for a very unsafe situation. Like I said, race tracks don't run cars in both directions at the same time, why should I spirited run down a mountain pass be any different? Unfortunately, I ended up paying a price.


For the past 3 years which I have attended Pigeon Forge (2008, 2009, 2010) I often wonder what ever happened to the group dinner and car line up photo opportunity we used to do. Grabbing a bite to eat all as one group, is a perfect time to spend quality time with the family, as was mentioned above. I love a lot of you guys, and unfortunately I only get to see most of you once a year. I think breaking bread together really richens the family bond which we all tied together by. I would absolutely tickled if we could get the group dinner back into action.


I completely understand and agree with helrazr how he had said restaurants require an accurate head count of people who will be coming in to eat. If we say there will be 35 people, they will set aside half of the restaurant for us. When we walk in, and we tell them we only have 20, thats 15 meals/drinks they could have sold, while waiting for us to arrive. Pre-paying for dinner is completely acceptable, as long as the menu is shown in advance, like it was in 2006. It was a PDF file I do believe, and we could all choose what we wanted off of the restaurants special Group Menu. That seemed to work out well. If we set up a mandatory pre-pay for dinner, that obligates the individual to show up. If you don't come, they still have the money you pre-paid, to compensate themselves from the empty seat they just took a hit on.


A cook out in the hotel parking lot is another fabulous idea. If someone can bring a grill down, I would even be willing to DONATE money or items needed to assist the picnic, such as condiments, plates, napkins, chips, etc. We would need to check with the hotel to find out if we could somehow claim the parking garage as ours for the weekend we will be in attendance. This year there was a woman staying at the hotel who was upset how we were hogging parking spots to "sit" in. Technically, it was sort of our fault. We did nothing wrong, by filling those parking spots with our own cars. If we expect to be using the garage like the way we have been, I think its a good idea to make sure we keep those spots occupied with SQ's and/or member daily drivers for example: Slowquest's Galant, AJ's Maxima, etc. If we get to where we have a cook out, nobody is going to want to sit outside in the beating sun to enjoy there food. We'd need to setup tables in the garage, where its more comfortable in the shade to sit.



These are my thoughts.



Edited by Coke
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I've been to a couple and stayed both at the Vacation Lodge and at a cabin 5 miles away. I like the loose, laid-back attitude of the meet and how people can come and go as they please. That is a BIG reason why people bring their families to this event because there is so much to do and you aren't tied to a schedule. If I wanted to do something I would ask around when people were going to dinner, or to the Dragon and adjust my schedule to be there.


The first year I attended (06) we had a large group ~10 cars go up to the Dragon together. We also made it out to the restaurant where all the famous pictures were taken of all the cars lined up next to each other. Those events were talked about openly with the group and then spread via word of mouth. I was able to fit in indoor sky diving and go karts and stay in a cabin outside of PF without missing the events.


I went again in 08, and stayed in the hotel this time. I missed the big dinner and instead went to Corky's with a bunch of people. People were coming and going from the Dragon at all sorts of times and smaller groups so it was harder to coordinate a large group. It seemed like everyone made the group breakfast at least.



I'd suggest to attendees that they buddy up with someone or a couple people to stay informed on what's going on, and when. This will help communication and help people socialize more. There doesn't need to be any more structure, just smarter communication.

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I'm for there being a stated time for going on group cruises. I arrived at the hotel on saturday morning and 10 minutes later we were heading out. I had all my luggage, tools and beer in the car on that 32 run. And I needed gas. If I had an idea of a when a run was going to happen at that time I would have gotten gas and tried to unload the car.

Also, I had my "family service" radio on all weekend set to 2.6 . The I dont think anyone else was using them beside Dave and I. When I was getting gas at the exxon before the 32 run, Coke's group past by me going the opposite direction of Area 32. I tried the radio, but did not get a response to see if they wanted to tag up. They could have stopped for a second and asked where I was going and if I knew where the other group was. I mean, I was the lone SQ 30 miles away from the hotel. Chances are that I was out there for a reason.

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I feel that the canyon run as far as safety is concerned should have structure. A set schedule would be great just so everybody is together. I had mentioned in the Code Red thread, that I think that my accident could have been avoided, if there wasn't a group of SQ's steaming ahead in the opposite direction, while the group I was in, was steaming at them. It makes for a very unsafe situation.


This right here bothers me. It could have been a group of Miatas screaming towards you at double speed, or a couple bikes, or even a grandma in a Cadillac who can't see the lines at that very exact moment you went around that corner. SQ's are NOT the only cars that know about or use Area 32 at any given time. You took a risk and got burned. End of story.

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I often thought of going back to the basics and that means thinking back when you were in Elementary school when we all get in a single file line for lunch, but we all have grown to become adults now and we often think, to heck with the teachers we do what we want......until stuff happens. Looking back as far as I remember when I first join the Starquest Meet in 2004, I can see that it's alot of work to organize an event. I'm not going to say what happen or point fingers, but being too organized can be such a disaster. It seems not a single soul is ever satisfy at what is planned ahead.


My suggestion would be that someone put up a poll on what and when on the next big event and see how it goes. I recall seeing such poll in the past and I thought it work out great. There you have it, the great Couth'nize awoke from an hour of napping and came up with this idea. :ph34r:

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Guys, I know that I haven't been to PF, and you may not even WANT my advice, however.....one of the big things I pushed at the National Meets I did was radios. Radios started working OK, and finally, by last Nationals in Branson, it seemed like as long as you had a radio, or were close to someone with a radio, you pretty much had the low down.


Plus, you were in constant contact with the guys making decisions, so if you did miss an announcement, an answer was a key-up away.


As far as the rest of your ideas go, Bryan's cookout idea is awesome. Consider it.....nothing conjures up a better image of a crew enjoying brews, and BBQ, and whatnot, and at their own pace. You're not being rushed by a restaurateur who's wanting to turn tables, there's probably plenty to go around, and then some extra for snacks later when the beer drinking shifts into overdrive, and as mentioned already, it would be a fraction of the cost, and you wouldn't have to drive.


It's win-win all the way around.



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Ok, but the fact of the matter is, SQ's were there. The road was dead. After the accident, we sat there waiting for help for a little bit over an hour, and maybe 3 cars went by. If we would have been all heading in the same direction at the same time, there would have been a better chance of things working out differently.
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The fact of the matter here is this. Every single one of us, drive these cars, sometimes in a manner not recommended by the manufacturer and certainly not within the limits of the law. Things are going to happen. Fortunately, I avoided wrecking two Conquests, by aiming for the tree.


Now...getting back to the subject at hand. I don't want this thread to turn into a 'Shoulda Coulda Woulda' thread about what had happened to me. This thread is designed to make the quality of the PF experience better for everyone.

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I love the idea of grilling out, we could keep it going as long as needed. But...we would have to get permission from the motel, and check local laws and regulations or if permits are required like we found out about having tents set up. Everyone could pitch in a few bucks and we could all eat together and be more of a 'family'.
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I love the idea of grilling out, we could keep it going as long as needed. But...we would have to get permission from the motel, and check local laws and regulations or if permits are required like we found out about having tents set up. Everyone could pitch in a few bucks and we could all eat together and be more of a 'family'.


Pickup trucks make for a great place to grill :D

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I know that in TN it is illegal to operate a grill on an apartment or hotel balcony or under any covered part of the structure. Other than that it may be up to the hotel to let us use one in the parking lot. There are other creative ways to do it as Justin mentioned such as a truck bed...and trucks are mobile. :ph34r:
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i know this thread isnt directed at me, but i think ole helrazr misinterpreted what i meant in the other thread when i said the organization at PF "blows"..


I didn't misinterpret it. I understood what you meant. I was just taking the stance that it is better to take action on a problem than to complain about the problem. That post and a later one agreeing with you prompted me to start a poll to see what we could change to make it better. If 2 people are unhappy, then there are bound to be more. So, rather than agreeing and being #3 I decided to do something. I am happy with PF the way it has been but do agree that a couple of things could use a scheduled time but not everything.


I will admit that at first I was a little aggravated that you worded your post the way you did. Rather than say the organization "blows". I would have said something like, "Maybe next year we can figure out how to ensure everyone gets the word on when the group leaves for the Area 32 run." or something similar. PF is the Holy Grail of StarQuest meets for many of us and negative comments sometimes hit close to home.


I apologize if you felt singled out or that this thread was aimed at you. It is not aimed at you at all, but your comment prompted me to start it and it's a good thing, not a negative thing. When PF goes better next year and people are happy you can say you were involved in making it happen. Your comment started the ball rolling for a better meet and I am sure we will all thank you for it. We went from totally structured to absolutely no structure. We know how the extremes work, Now we can test the middle ground and see how it goes.


Friends? :D

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the grilling could also be done on the cruise, say to a national park or something like that. i just think the cookout has more of that down home feeling and would maybe help peole socialize a little more.


just like its been mentioned no matter what we would do or plan someone somehow would be upset about something that happened or didnt happen or whatever. i know we totally meant to bring radios cause they came in very handy in branson but as last minute as we decided to come it just got forgot. i know when we passed nomad we just assumed he was headed back to the hotel for whatever reason. being just a follower in my group and not having a clue where i was at i didnt do anything but stay glued to my pack, which was headed in the wrong direction and thats why nomad was waving at us like we were dumb :lol:


i would also love to see the cruise not have to be on a road like the dragon or area 32. like nomad with everyone leaving so fast i was loaded down with flying parts,tools, and a cooler full of pop while i was navigating the video game like corners. i would have loved to had the time to unload that crap and maybe i could have got more enjoyment out of it. corners are nice and all but it was 90+ degrees and bumper to bumper traffic to get there then having to deal with 3000 turns right after another just wasnt all the exciting for me personally but i know others really love the turns.


i would love to see after the fireworks that all 24 quest jump out on the 3 lane road and just cruise the strip MOB DEEP. we got bored and went out crusing a little but bad timing since it was right when the fireworks started.

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i would have no problem strapping my grill down to the trailer, because i never drive my quest :rolleyes: :lol: , and bringing it to PF. Maybe everyone could bring their main food item ( steak, burgers, hotdogs, etc. ) some bring a side dish ( chips, potato salad, bbq beans, etc. ) drinks or plates and paper towels, flatware, etc.
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I think it is fine the way it is, Jeff "FRO" would say he would want it organized so I could not drag him to all the outlet shops. He gets a little miffed about that. :angry: But I drag him along anyway. Sorry we could not make it this year.



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