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redecocav last won the day on February 1 2024

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About redecocav

  • Birthday 05/26/1984

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  • Interests
    Family and cars
  • Location
    Worcester, MA
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  • Factory Color
    Rio/Mexican Red
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  • Status
    On the road

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  1. 😭😭😭😭 found some pics of my old cars...
  2. Ah so many memories from this site. So many late nights with the crew on the live chat. Think its been about 14-15yrs since I owned a SQ. Miss them for sure. Prices seemed to have skyrocketed for sure (probably due to be even more rare these days). Might look into one again one of these days. Hope everyone is doing well! EDIT*** Sorry, I just realized that I was in Iraq the last time I was on here back in 2010, probably the wrong place to go radio silent lol. I am still alive.
  3. Just some old pics I have from when Brandon owned it.... http://c3.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/24/l_f528693c4209e7cc1588f1be33a75a72.jpg http://www.26liter.us/gallery/albums/userpics/10217/cimg2639ix9.jpg http://www.26liter.us/gallery/albums/userpics/10217/Conquest_meet_005_%28Medium%29.jpg GLWS!
  4. My Brigade is trying to raise the money to build a Memorial for the fallen soldiers of 1st Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division. Please help by voting. We need to be within the top 10 to win the funds. You can vote once a day and voting ends Oct 31st. You can even vote through your facebook (you will see that option once you click "vote"). Thanks and if you could please spread the message to other forums you may be on. To prevent double post's on the other forums please use the same title I used here so it would be easy to find. http://www.refresheverything.com/raiderbrigadememorial Once again thanks!!!! I personally will be posting this on 26liter, GMFullsize, s10forum, Acrophobia, c10forum and tahoeyukonforum.
  5. Don't do it! Seems like yesterday we met up so you could buy the fender and other stuff from me, lol. What am I talking about, I would be at your door tomorrow if I wasn't in the sandbox. lol
  6. Happy Birthday man! Hope you are safe over there, as I see you haven't been online here since 5/11. Take care bro and be careful
  7. GL and be safe on the trip! You getting stationed up there?
  8. You know, this could technically be considered a FAIL, however I don't think any of us are gonna hold it against you. That's because they were already crushed
  9. http://usmilitary.about.com/od/enlistedjobs/a/96u.htm
  10. ***Cough*** Army ***Cough*** LOL Nah man just bustin your balls. Join whatever branch you want, make sure you are positive you will enjoy it.
  11. Very nice! What kinda wrinkle paint did you use?
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