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Everything posted by 88conquest_nutz

  1. http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/184222_10150104934979863_768079862_5951083_8209846_n.jpg http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/182985_10150101338439863_768079862_5917003_7023575_n.jpg its crazy how messy my house/garage gets, and its just me and my dog that lives here.
  2. i have a problem with what you are doing to your car.... lol j/k
  3. thx for the replys. ill need to get someone over and press on the brakes so i can see exactly where the leak is.
  4. my brakes just started leaking, and i found out its coming from the little metal piece thats at the back of the car, where 3 of the brake lines come together. anyone know what this is called or where i can get a new piece? do you think ill need new ends for the brake lines also?? they seem a little rusty, which is weird because there is no rust on the car.
  5. mine were like $560 this year. but that was only for 10.5 months, since i bought the house in the middle of Feb. paid $170k for the house.
  6. beginning of may is good for me, bike week is in the middle of may here.
  7. i can do charlotte as long as its not in june,july,,august. i cant get any time off at all.
  8. you could have it during mustang week here in july. im sure everyones seen the infamous mustang crashes leaving the show . yea the traffic does get bad here in the summer, but there are some roads you can use to get around it. if you do have it in july, id make sure to get your hotels early, because itd be hard to all get the same hotel if you wait to long.
  9. wish my paint looked that nice, and my air dam, and my wheels
  10. http://maliburacing.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=100114&ref=nf
  11. http://myrtlebeach.craigslist.org/cto/1923748880.html
  12. nice man... im in the same boat, running 11 psi on my 19c. need to get it tuned before i turn it up
  13. do you have a radio plug?? i need the one that comes from the wires from the firewall, with a few inches of wire.
  14. i should have saturdays off by then... if i do, and the quest is running good, i might make the trip
  15. how do you know what temp that left hand sensor kicks on at??
  16. http://www.gold-producers.com/MEXICAN_DRUG_LORD.html
  17. have yet to go a meet with the conquest =/ but my odo says 36k.... dont know if thats actual or not. bought it 3 years ago with 33k on it.
  18. do you have a good passenger side front caliper?? for an 88 quest. thanks
  19. im glad we dont have any of that here. both my cars would fail with flying colors. all you do here is go to the dmv and pay your property taxes and your good to go, no one even looks at your car. but that sux about your friend, how much does it cost every time he went to have it checked??
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