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so i wrecked


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Well it wasn't my fault but she's done boys, guess I'll have to start driving something else.... I've never been in a car accident but it wasn't to bad glad I always wear my seatbelt. So anyways guess I'll need to put some effort in getting my quest road legal... Yeah I didn't wreck the conquest!!! Just had to lead you all on.
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Yeah I'm fine but my 93 accord is probably totaled it was a rebuilt car already so its not worth anything really... What happened? Well I was driving Down the road and the kid merged into traffic from the middle lane while I was in his blind spot, so I switched lanes to avoid him but he kept on going over into the lane I just changed into like he was crossing the road, I turned some more and slammed on the brakes slide into his passenger door and front fender. I was probably doing 25-35mph when I hit him but since we were kinda going the same way it wasn't as bad as it could of been, could of been alot worse since I was doing almost 50mph when he pulled out infront of me. I feel like it could of been avoided alltogethsr aswell but it doesn't always work out I guess. Lol sorry for the long post hope my explanation makes sense.
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I hate habitual horn honkers. I hear a million honks every day here, it's so annoying.

speaking of which, every night, if you stand on mt porch, there is one guy in a suv that does down my road, and for about 2 miles all you hear is

beeep beeeep beeep beeep

as he keeps hitting the horn the whole way

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