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    Keep the turbo spooled!

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  1. The only parties that have a real interest in this topic have had their full say by now. Parties that are still having their say have nothing new to contribute, and there really isn't anything left to add that will be helpful, healing, or productive. If people want to start new stuff, they can get a warning / suspension. Please review the terms of service if you feel comment this is out of place. Some of you guys really need to stop and reflect on what your purpose is in keeping this going. This site is Bob's house, not the town square. It's not a public debate center, and no one has expectation to the full freedom to be heard, specifically if what you have to say harms the harmony of the site or the "greater good". There is plenty of internet out there, take this site criticism elsewhere. We are not, and never will be perfect, sometimes we even disagree. You don't like how the site is run, we won't complain if you opt-out
  2. This notice has been placed because many members refer others to PQ, and that they should be aware of certain issues PQ has been having with members he has open transactions with. The feed back posting is here: http://www.starquest...howtopic=126832 This has not been placed as a point of debate, nor to drag anyone into the mud, it has been placed to prevent any more members from getting entangled in such a situation. Feel free to do business with him if you wish, just beware, and avoid sending new members to him until further notice .
  3. This is a notice to all members that Professor Quest has been jerking around customers with arbitrary charges and service fees not agreed upon, and holds parts and $$ hostage until these fees are paid. PQ has been banned from this site for many years for his poor attitude and demeanor, but members here frequently still do business with him, and/or refer others to him and his work. This posting is a notice to proceed at your own risk when dealing with PQ, and to please refrain from sending new unsuspecting members to him. This is not placed here to threaten action or demean a person’s character, it is merely here to warn others that may not be aware of how PQ does business, or of his current choices to hold another members parts and $$ hostage. This warring stems from the following transaction on another forum: http://starquest.i-x...opic.php?t=3241 But be aware, this is not the only time PQ has conducted himself in this way. The above link documents the transaction after a few pages deep. Long story short, He took a $450 Magna head and a $1000 deposit for services PQ was to perform on that head. Much time passed and other services and parts were negotiated and sold. This head however remained untouched for the better part of a year. He was asked many times to complete this head, and came up with many excuses. There were some services the customer wanted added to the deal, and arguments ensued about additional payment upfront. After a year has passed, and after much harassment, the head was finally finished, and a final bill was sent to the customer (documented on the link above). The final payment was made and the customer asked the head be shipped. After several weeks passed with no shipment, the customer got impatient and demanded his parts, to which PQ decided to add on a slew or arbitrary charges, totaling $500 above the agreed price, and were not on the final invoice. these charges are $200 - used rocker arms, $100 - Junction block (that was a gift from quite some time prior), and $200 - Handling of All invoice products. PQ now refuses to ship the customer his $450 head, nor refund his $1000 + in money he has spent to have it worked on. A month has passed and the issue is still unresolved. Let the buyer beware...
  4. Different philosophy I guess. I feel the custom fidanza is a finer product (safety wise) than any OEM part due to better balance, and because it is made from a billet product, not sand cast iron. I've seen some badly cracked stockers before. The fidanza also allows the use of the exact GM clucth the T56 was intended for. The end user needs a custom clutch regardless, so that cost-point is moot. Also, the gm clutch is working no where near as hard for a given load due to greater diameter and surface area, so it's far less likely to fail from heat stresses. Again, just a differnet philosophy, yours is not bad at all, just different from mine. I'd love to see one cast for the wide block, then you can cater to those wanting a drag setup where they want a twin/tripple disk anyway, where the smaller diameter bell won't hold them back. Seriously though, look into the LS-1 for your 4G projects, just adding 3/4" more thickness on the trans side and you can use the GM TOB instead of rigging up some custom TOB stuff. that ought to cater to your "why reinvent the wheel?" phoilosophy too the pattern on the trans side is the same so you have very little to change in the prototype
  5. Someone may be selling an item that you want. Please review the "Parts For Sale" list before starting a new topic. Thank you for your co-operation.
  6. Someone may want an item that you are thinking of selling. Please review the "Items Wanted" list before starting a new topic. Thank you for your cooperation.
  7. You must adhere to the following guidelines when creating a new topic, or replying to an existing topic. Failure to do so will result in the topic being deleted. New Topic Guidelines: 1. Use a descriptive subject title so people know what's being sold (e.g. year, color, condition, price, city). 2. State the complete car(s) you have for sale, the condition of the car and price. If you're selling a Parts Car only, post it under "Items For Sale" If you're looking to find the highest bidder, go post it on Ebay and announce it on the Ebay notify/alert board. This isn't an auction board. 3. State your City/State. (A potential buyer will be curious about viewing, shipping etc.) 4. If you have any special requests/details etc., be sure to post them in the Original Post. This would include any expiration dates, shipping details, ways to obtain further information, etc. Edit your Original Post as necessary. 5. If selling multiple cars, update your list by using the Edit button available on the post. 6. Respond to inquiries made to your post on this board. 7. When your car is sold, please edit the Title to include the word "SOLD". 8. Topics are subject to deletion after 60 days from the date the topic was started. If deleted, you will have to start a new "Cars For Sale" topic if you wish to go beyond the 60 day limit. This is done to help keep this board free of out-dated clutter. Posts will be deleted if they have not had any "reply" activity for at least 30 days - "bump" posts do not count. Replying to a "Cars For Sale" post: 1. No hi-jacking of someone's post! Do not reply to someone's post with something you are selling - regardless if it is an item the person is selling or not. Instead, send a Private Message, or create your own topic. "Under-cutting" another person's sale will not be tolerated. 2. Use the method specified by the seller for requesting information. If its a phone number, call it - if its an Email, Email it. 3. The "Cars For Sale" board is not intended to be used as a chat board. Limit replies to information specifically related to the item(s) being sold. If you wish to open a discussion, use the BS board, Email or other method. 4. No "Flaming", bashing, or argument of car prices! If you disagree with the prices or method of how the person is selling, or anything else with the "for sale" post - deal with it - take your business elsewhere - let it be. "Flaming" posts are subject to removal. Failure to adhere to these guidelines can result in the deletion of posts/topics and possible direct action up to, but not limited to, suspension or banning of your StarQuestClub.com account. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
  8. As soon as some of these guys start getting their wires, we will pull the first sticky post about the possible scam. Sorry, but product needs delivered to assure the authenticity. If it were a known seller, it may have been different, but first time GP sellers have to keep the contact going or things like this happen. Larry looks to be keeping eveyone posted now, and seems to be on the up & up. Thank you Larry.
  9. Before you buy or sell on the boards, you should first check out the feedback forum and check out the person you're about to do business with: Feedback Forum We encourage everyone to use the feedback forum to help protect themselves and to provide their feedback (both good and bad) about people they've done business with. Be sure to read the posting guidelines before you post.
  10. Before you buy or sell on the boards, you should first check out the feedback forum and check out the person you're about to do business with: http://www.starquestclub.com/forum/index.php?showforum=2 We encourage everyone to use the feedback forum to help protect themselves and to provide their feedback (both good and bad) about people they've done business with. Be sure to read the posting guidelines before you post.
  11. Real Name: Rob Janis Location: Wausau or "Central" Wisconsin Known SQC usernames: Gearhead Gearheads RamAirResearch Inforced26 TEPzdabom Summary of known events: 1 - He originally registered as Gearhead on 9/10/02 2 - He created a second account as Gearheads on 10/25/02 3 - Created RamAirResearch account on 12/6/02 4 - Created InForced26 account on 2/23/03 5 - On 2/23/03, he advertised a 17c turbo for sale as InForced26, claiming to be new to the boards and having recently wrecked his StarQuest: InForced26 For Sale Post In light of all the evidence and tracking between his various SQC usernames, we highly suspect that the turbo sold to davida is the same one being sold by Inforced26. We submit these links as evidence to such: David A's post about the turbo David A again mentions the problem 6 - On 2/25/03, a feedback is posted by someone apparently from the turbododge.com site warning of RamAirResearch, where RamAirResearch admitted he was also "Gearhead", but later deleted his posts. RamAirResearch Feedback Topic 7 - During the week of 5/4/03 Kelly calls one of the moderators with concerns about RamAirResearch after a business transaction went sour. 8 - On 5/5/03, Gearhead posts on the Tristarion.com message boards claiming that someone is registering all over the Internet as him trying to make him look bad. Joel at Tristarion is sent the information we have on him from our investigation to which he verifies as being the same person we have identified here on SQC. Gearhead's reply to a post on Tristarion.com 9 - Creates TEPzdabom account on 5/13/03 and attempts to paint a shady picture of Kelly on the feedback forum. Though totally anonymous and vague, those who know enough can tell who he's talking about. U know who u R Topic 10 - InForced26 replies to the topic, pretending to be an innocent outsider, asking who the topic is about - no doubt hoping that someone else will say it for him. This guy has gone to great lengths to hide his identity and appear to be multiple people for business transactions. He's lied by saying he's new and wrecked his car to sell a turbo, when he's already been on the site for more than 5 months at the time... He's attempted to harm the reputation of a long-time and respected member of the boards. After reviewing all the facts, the moderator group has decided to permanently ban this member from SQC and warn everyone about his conduct here. We do this in the interest of protecting the StarQuest community from dishonest/shady/unethical people such as this.
  12. Notice: The following information is provided to alert StarQuestClub.com members/visitors of people or businesses that have been identified as being grossly dishonest/unethical/fraudulent in their business transactions with the StarQuest community. The incidents listed here have been thoroughly investigated and verified using all available methods at SQC's disposal. SQC does not take this subject lightly and will only add people/businesses to this list as a last resort. **Warning! Do business with these people or businesses at your own risk!**
  13. All further posts are to be made by CHC to interested parties only, & or by interested parties ONLY! No further discussion between the competition is to be done publicly! Take the EGO's to Private Messages. Thank You, Moderator
  14. The purpose of this board is to provide a place where people can describe their experiences (both good and bad) of business transactions with companies and individuals. This is NOT a place to gripe/complain/whine/put down/slander/deliberately offend a company or individual. Posts not adhering to these guidelines will be removed without warning or explanation. **Please look to see if a topic has already been started regarding the company/individual you are posting about. If there is already a topic started, reply to that topic - do not start a new one. This will make it easier for others to find info, as they'll only need to read one thread about someone/someplace. Naming the topic Use the first name and last initial of an individual and/or the FULL name of the company it is regarding. If space allows, include their StarQuestClub.com username or company abbreviation. (ie: Joe's Auto Repair AKA JAR, or Mary S. AKA GirlieQuest) Company/Individual you are doing/did business with (If a business, please indicate who you communicated with, if possible. Especially if you dealt with more than one person.) Product or service you paid for (Include part numbers, if applicable) When it was supposed to be delivered or completed? (Include the date the transaction occured, the timeframe in which you were told it would take to complete the transaction and/or date promised) What was the result? (Was the transaction completed as promised? On time/late/early? Parts arrive in promised condition? Problems?) What steps you took to resolve the problem (if applicable) The response you got from them (if applicable) Any additional info you'd like to provide (Would you recommend them to others for business? Any details not covered above? Observations - both good and bad? Were you pleased with the transaction? Mixed results/feelings?) Note: Please refrain from emotional/threatening/offensive/inflamatory content. Do not include "hearsay" information, just what happened directly with you. Do not use excessive punctuation, smileys, or text formatting. Do not change the message icon, leave it set as "standard". Do not post comments in your own Feedback unless it is in response to an issue between buyer and seller. Comments such as "thanks man for buying from me, etc" are not allowed. Failure to adhere to these guidelines can result in immediate deletion of a topic/post without warning or explanation.
  15. In order to help maintain the purpose of this "Items for sale" board, please follow the following guidelines when creating new "for sale" topics or replying to an existing "for sale" topic: New Topic Guidelines: 1. Use a descriptive subject title whenever possible so people know what's being sold. If its for lots of different parts, then indicate that somehow in your title. 2. State the item(s) you have for sale, the quality of the item and price (and if shipping cost is included or not). If you're looking to find the highest bidder, go post it on ebay and announce it on the ebay notify/alert board. This isn't an auction board. If you do not want to post a selling price, be sure to include a phone number and/or email address for inquiries. 3. State your location. If you're worried about privacy, at least provide a general location (City/State or Zip Code). If this information is in your profile, that will be considered adequate. Failure to do so will result in deletion of your thread. 4. If you have any special needs/requests/details/etc be sure to post them in the original post. This would include any expiration dates, shipping details, ways to obtain further information, etc. 5. If selling multiple items, update your list by using the modify button available on the post. 6. Respond to inquiries made to your post on this board, unless you specified an alternate method for obtaining info (phone number, email address, etc). 7. When your sale is finished, please use the "report this post to moderators" indicating that it is finished and request it be deleted. This will help reduce the clutter of out-dated posts. 8. For sale topics are subject to deletion after 60 days from the date the topic was started - no exceptions. You will have to start a new "for sale" topic if you wish to go beyond the 60 day limit. This is done to help keep this board free of out-dated clutter. Posts may also be deleted if they have not had any activity for at least 30 days - "bump" posts do not count. Replying to a "for sale" post: 1. Do not reply to someone's "for sale" post with an item you are selling - regardless if it is an item the person is selling or not. Instead, create your own "for sale" topic. "Under-cutting" another person's sale will not be tolerated. Action can and will be taken against those who repeatedly commit this action. 2. Use the method specified by the seller for requesting information. If its a phone number, call it - if its an email, email it. 3. Limit replies to information specifically related to the item(s) being sold. If you wish to open a discussion, use the BS board, email or other method. The "for sale" board is not intended to be used as a chat board. 4. If you disagree with the prices or method of how the person is selling or anything else with the "for sale" post - deal with it - take your business elsewhere - let it be. We don't want to turn away business to/from those who have something to offer. Failure to adhere to these guidelines can result in the deletion of posts/topics and possible direct action up to, but not limited to, suspension or banning of your StarQuestClub.com account. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
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