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Everything posted by MidNiteRide89

  1. wt....? i was able to battle 2x today with my brutes! WOOT!!!
  2. wt....? i was able to battle 2x today with my brutes!!! WOOT!!!!
  3. I thought it was a cardboard box in the road that caused the flip? :emot-bandwagon: However, if I remember correctly, the flip didn't get the fender off. :biggrinumbrella1:
  4. I had a quite relaxing job as a day trader until Sully, SOB that he is, introduced me to that damn My Brute game. If it weren't for the fact that the creator/s of that game put a 3 fight limit per day on it, I'd be on the computer all day, on the net on my phone whenever I had to move away from the computer, on my neighbor's computer after I stopped working to play the damn game and forgot to work to pay the bills.... I'm typing a run on sentence cause the crack that is My Brute is calling my name again :gamer: Now back to make MORE!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! (Sully, u suck!) http://oddreign.mybrute.com http://ewj.mybrute.com http://thaniel.mybrute.com http://kkmax.mybrute.com http://midniteride89.mybrute.com http://the-darknesses.mybrute.com
  5. Damn this is addictive to play while I day trade! Oh, and Sully.... my brute "oddreign" kicked ur ash. lol
  6. MidNiteRide89 = back when I bought my first SQ, a Fiji '89, I used to cruise around on the highways @ midnite. http://www.midnight-investigations.com/images/midnight1.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/130/352342962_49ffc039d9.jpg
  7. From my '83 pacer LS I just sold... JA3BC447XDZ401022 edit... lol @ pacer
  8. I was more disturbed by the subject heading of this thread... wt f.... kinda test is this anyway????? :eek1bluegreen:
  9. OMG! I would kill for that car! No seriously, I would.... (I didn't think you could import one to the US. Hmmm....)
  10. Exactly.... but donkeys and rhinos??? Is that a new political party or was the elephant replaced?
  11. ROFLKOPTER!!!! I'm in tears.... :rofl3:
  12. 4g63 among a few other mods are what he has planned for it. I LOL'd at "found all the original paperwork in the trunk".... I handed it to him in a binder with all important documents laminated. Oh well.... the cash I got for the car is now in day trading making me more money. It'll be interesting to see what happens to her in the hands of her new owner.
  13. I can't even explain how hard I'm laughing at my post going from talking about my '83 being sold, to Cal and his nose/weapons.
  14. He'll take great care of her, but I can't promise he'll keep her stock. He's not some little punk kid into cheesy ricer crap. He has a beautiful '77 Celica hatchback with 14k original miles and works at a performance shop up in Wisconson.
  15. The garage now has easy access to those parts for you to look at. We'll set up a time in the next couple of weeks.
  16. lol.... My bad, I want a 240Z... from the early 70's. I have no interest in drifting at all.
  17. Tried that... my ex chewed up and spit out every guy that she's met so far. (Hall n Oats playing in the background)
  18. New plans involve investing more money into day trading, then hunting down a nice 240. (and of course at some point, another sq. lol) Ernie, the fact that your dumba** drove it is probably why it took so long to sell.... just got the smell out last week. You know, it actually wasn't bittersweet. I thought it was going to be, but I drove the car across the country and had her sideways plenty o times. I enjoyed it while I had it and that's the best thing to do with anything you own. My dad owns a '56 and a '57 T-bird.... he hasn't driven either one since the 1970's. He figures that they're worth more if he doesn't put any miles on them and the possibility of an accident in one scares him silly. F#&$ that! What's the point in even owning it then??? :confused0024:
  19. Just watched her pull away with her new owner. It was fun while it lasted, but it was also time to move on. The new owner has some interesting plans for her, IF he ever gets around to actually doing them. (that's what he said. lol)
  20. Paul, this is a very clean '87, the price is right (you have everything to finish the car). It's red, but cyberquest could hook you up with a great silver paintjob.
  21. Day trading currencies on the Globex (NOT the same as the Forex!) FTW!
  22. Do not part it out! Give it a little time and someone will snap up this whole car.
  23. Nevada Sand Metallic Clearcoat H23 My '83 is that ^^ color.
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