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Electro Shock!!


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Just use Netscape v4.5, 4.72, or 4.78 to view the site.  Then, when reading the forum index lists, right-click on those threads you want to read and "Open in new window" to read them.  Open 6 or 7 at a time so you can read one or two while the rest download.  As you use the scroll bar, for no apparent reason Netscape and Windows will disagree on something and Windows will blast ALL your Netscape windows into oblivion...  after one or two of these you'll just pick up the rat (mouse) and wing it at your monitor and call it a night.


This happens to me both at home (Win98SE) and work (was Win95, now Win98SE as well... NT/Win2K/XP won't run the main program I need for work - aircraft simulation systems - which is why I stick to the Win9x world).  


mike c.

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Open 6 or 7 at a time so you can read one or two while the rest download


As technical as you are, I'm surprised you have yet to get broadband access. Its been so long since I've used dialup that I was confused by that line of your post for a couple of seconds... "what does he mean by 'while the rest download'".


I feel sorry that you're hog-tied to Win98SE due to software compatibility. Windows 2000 is so stable that I have to really work at crashing it. Did you ever think that Microsoft might have some secret coding in Windows that will crash Netscape on purpose to help further its plans at world domination? hehe

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As technical as you are, I'm surprised you have yet to get broadband access. Its been so long since I've used dialup that I was confused by that line of your post for a couple of seconds... "what does he mean by 'while the rest download'".

'cause I'm cheap.  I don't really think the bang-for-the-buck for cable or DSL is worth it for what little I do on the web.


I feel sorry that you're hog-tied to Win98SE due to software compatibility. Windows 2000 is so stable that I have to really work at crashing it. Did you ever think that Microsoft might have some secret coding in Windows that will crash Netscape on purpose to help further its plans at world domination? hehe

That's a given - several of the charges in the Microsoft anti-trust case were "predatory programming" - i.e. Microsoft was changing things in Windows just to "break" other applications and/or things happened on Windows PCs "mysteriously" and only to non-Microsoft products.  As for the later Windows versions, they don't support the segmented memory model - what Microsoft misleadingly calls "16-bit" code.  My FORTRAN system uses that memory model - it's a DOS based program created before Windows existed, not the "32 bit" model which is the "flat" or "native" model of the 386-later CPU chips.  One thing that is not commonly known is the memory manager (page swapper) system and basic process/thread manager in Windows NT/2000/XP is based on the same algorithms as was used in the Digital VAX VMS operating system of the mid-80s.  The guy who designed/wrote the initial versions of VMS was hired by Microsoft.  If you compare the internal tables of NT (you need the developers Software Development Kit - SDK for this info) to the VMS tables, you find that many tables have near-identical counterparts between NT and VMS, and that the entries - though named differently (typical Microsoft - copy somebody's idea, rename it, pretend Microsoft invented it) - do exactly the same thing.  VMS was a very very stable operating system.  And it had a very powerful user interface - long before "GUI" - so that batch files used keyboard commands.  Compare that to Unix or other command-line driven operating systems that used one language for user keyboard commands and something rather different for batch command files.  Bleach.  I'd put VMS on my PC in a heartbeat if anybody made a good one.  There are VMS shells out there that run under Windows - you get the Windows op sys core (and bugs) with a VMS interface...  a kludgy combination at best.  


I am converting my sim to work under the newer Win32 API - i.e. a 32 bit flat memory model - by getting my company to spend a few bucks for a modern FORTRAN compiler.  At the same time, I've been investigating the API - the interface from user programs to Windows itself - the "API" is the collection of calls/subroutines/tasks you can have Windows do for you - this is for you non-Computer Scientists out there.  For Gabe, this is all old hat.  Examples include opening a file, reading/writing from the disk, handling user mouse clicks, etc.  Anyway, Microsoft is pushing the "standard" Win32 API - that's what developers should use from now on.  Too bad some calls are different between Win95, 98, NT, 2000, and XP.  Rather than add new APIs to later versions of Windows, Microsoft tends to re-define existing APIs which is why programs "break' when you upgrade Windows.  In other words, you can follow Microsofts rules and code to the "standard" API and yet your program may break at the next Windows release.  No other operating system that I'm aware of does this - new features were ADDED as new API routines rather than re-defining existing ones.  VMS, IBM OS/2, Unix, Linux, even the MAC OS work this way.  


Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now.  As you can tell, this is a really sore point with me since I've been heavily involved in computers long before Microsoft got started.  Really.  Before the original IBM PC even...  


mike c.

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Regarding broadband; I use it a lot for entertainment, work and side-work, so I can justify paying $50/month for it - especially since I can deduct 1/2 of the cost as a business expense. There's no way in the world that I'd get by downloading patches, updates and the like while working on someone's computer without broadband.

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Heh..windows is evil.  I may be young, but I have long since known that.  I miss the days of DOS actually, when things were simple and it was easy to navigate around your hard disk.  Oh, and as for odd problems, any time I defrag my computer, the next time I start the computer, it comes up with crap errors saying it can't load such and such files, and I have to reinstall windows  >:(


Oh, and on the subject of being kicked off...if I have it selected when I log on to stay on all the time, then why is it that sometimes I still have to relog in?  



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Oh, and on the subject of being kicked off...if I have it selected when I log on to stay on all the time, then why is it that sometimes I still have to relog in?

Maybe you purge your cookies periodically?

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Oh sorry! Try going out to your car, start it, pop the hood, disconnect the #4 spark plug wire and put it in your pocket. That should do it.



This was a joke. Please do not attempt this at home. Gabe AKA BuzzKill, StarQuestClub.com and the rest of people with brains on the planet cannot be held responsible for attempting the above maneuver. If anyone is stupid enough to try it, you are forbidden from doing so without having someone with a camera or camcorder with you to share with everyone else.

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Regarding broadband; I use it a lot for entertainment, work and side-work, so I can justify paying $50/month for it - especially since I can deduct 1/2 of the cost as a business expense. There's no way in the world that I'd get by downloading patches, updates and the like while working on someone's computer without broadband.


What cable company do you have down there? We only have Comcast available in my area and they cap my out-going speed at 15kb/sec.. Which really really really bites.

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I'm on AT&T (formerly MediaOne). I average 1.43 mbps down and 244 kbps up. In the last 3 years I've only had 3 or 4 outages, none lasting longer than a day. I've been VERY happy with my service.


They cap you at 15k up? That's less than 1/3 the speed of a 56k modem! I'd scream bloody murder!

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