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Which one of you cats in VA....


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I hope to god it's not that idiot. The cylinder head guy in the Dodge Motorsports group was at a get-together down south and the owner of Modern Muscle came up to him and started talking about a new kid he hired. Said, "...he used to tune and get all into those cars that Dodge made for a while in the 80's...." The Motorsports guy says, "Stealths?" thinking that would be the case, but the owner said, "No, I think Mitsubishi made them for Dodge or something..."


"Oh, you mean a Conquest?" says the Motorsports guy.


"YEAH! I always liked those cars, it's too bad the aftermarket never embraced them."


"You know, the only reason I know about those cars is the guy that sits across from me has one that's all done up with a turbo and stand alone and s***."



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