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Dugway lock down


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Imagine actually being in the military and because of rank and marital status you're forced to stay in the dorms. Granted it's the air force so you have your own room but only have to share the bathroom. You get off from work after working on missiles the whole day so you just want to go home and drink a couple beers and relax. But when you get home the entire base goes on lockdown because some idiot in a UHAUL truck runs through the front gate (blows tires of course) and now he's sitting in front of your dorm about 1000 feet away screaming there's a bomb in the truck and if security forces gets any closer he's gunna blow. I can't go anywhere and the base is locked down. So now I'm sitting on the balcony with a chair drinkin my beer and waiting to see what this fool is gunna do. No evacuation and I can't go anywhere. He surrendered and it was a bluff but was right there watching everything. This was a couple years ago. Forget the gas. I was literally looking at a possible bomb truck 1000 feet from my home drinkin a beer and smokin a cigarette even though I wasn't supposed to smoke in that area. They eventually told everybody else doin the same thing to go inside though. But imagine that.
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