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Cool shirt


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Today I went to a fund-raiser put on by several of the local female musicians, called it "Girl-a-thon". From rock to blues, to R&B, just a great mix of performers of all ages, to raise funds for female chest appendage cancer awareness and research. Turned out to have a GREAT turnout. They haven't announced the total cash raised yet, but I'd bet there were a couple thousand people in that place today, so it's gotta be pretty impressive.

But to the topic at hand...one of my cousins was there, and she was talking to a guy wearing a Harley shirt. This Harley shirt had the "Tail Of The Dragon" logo on it, complete with the map and "318 curves in 11 miles"....just like the 2010 PF shirt I had on. I guess I just never realized how popular that stretch of road really is.

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Deal's Gap Motorcycle Resort is on the NC end of that stretch of road, it's a store/gift shop, grill/pub, and hotel. That's where I bought the Tail of the Dragon t-shirt I have.


It's a well known spot, but it's the most famous in the motorcycle communities.

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I work for IKEA and for the past 3 years I have worked there we have done a female chest appendage cancer walk at a local park. We all get t shirts showing the we did the walk and also get a few pink ribbons... I try and rock the shirt as much as I an and wear a ribbon pretty much 90% of the time in and out of work :)All I can say is wear the shirt or what ever to support the cause
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There is a pretty good chance that it came from the same shop that I got the PF'10 shirts from here. The printer did a custom map for a cycle club meet a while back, and I used that and my graphic for the front.

It was the same layout, only a bit smaller. I wondered if these had come from the same place.

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