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About DrvNsily

  • Birthday 10/31/1973

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  1. Wow, that was quick Yeah I just did find this also http://www.starquestclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=108549&view=&hl=r134a&fromsearch=1 Thanks!
  2. I kindsa searched around and didn't see anything on this topic. Has anyone retrofited the a/c system to R134A. Any tips? I was going to get a new dryer.
  3. you still looking, I could see what condition my parts car is, red interior with factory sunroof, '86.
  4. Thanks guys. I hooked up an led to diagnostic output and got a code 7 the CTS. Picking up one tomarrow, just replaced coolant and thermostat. Boy it is nice to work on one with 48K miles on it. my other one had over 100K when I got it. I am also geting a new wire set of plugs, I belive this one still has the originals on it. Oh yeah I did replace plugs, only wierd thing it had #12 plugs in it instead of #9's. Picking up the TB repair kit to replace the seals on it and sometime I will have to tackle the #4 exhaust leak, but probably in the spring. Thanks again and glad to be back!
  5. Is the stock regulator on the 2.6 boost referenced? With a 255pump, you can also increase the fuel psi to help get more fuel delivered. When at WOT the duty cycle I would belived be a fixed time on the injector pulse according to temp and air quanity. Not sure how much correction the fuel system can correct with the O2 at idle and cruse, but at WOT you generally need 30% more fuel. Either bigger injectors or more fuel psi would be the best way to get there. I have played with Neons for quite a while and have mine running nicely on a stock ecu and REALLY big injectors. I know there is a big difference between these cars, but am getting more involved with the starquest world because I hate FWD. Planing a 2.4 4G64 high compression turbo build. Probably run a megasquirt though. E85 also like timing alot, just an FYI.
  6. So just picked up an '87. Only major problem is the cold start. pops right off but bearly runs and dies. and when you try to move it stalls a bit till it warms up. After it warms up drives fine. Any Ideas, thanks.
  7. Sorry I picked up the car Sat. Couldn't pass it up but does need a little drivetrain TLC, but the interior is pretty nice.
  8. :confused0024: You never got the bars I sent, that was way back in Nov. Oh well guess there gone.
  9. Looking at the numbered pic above. I looks to me if 1 & 2 were fixed and 3 &4 were adjustable it would be easier/stronger to build and shoud be adjustible for both camber and toe(adjust one or the other for toe, both for camber. 1 & 2 could be poly or metal like my pics above, and 3 & 4 have a heim joint like the upper part on the blue arm in the numbered pic.
  10. To show some more ideas on bushing install. This is on my neon that I auto-x and drive on the street. http://www.drvnsily.com/aarm1.jpg http://www.drvnsily.com/aarm2.jpg http://www.drvnsily.com/aarm3.jpg I was seriously thinking of getting tubular rear control arms made. Just think how much weight you could save if you could make the rear cradle and arms tubular.
  11. I was thinking about getting a extra center piece as in the one that mounts on the hatch. Would that be possable and how much, would want it complete with brake light. Thanks David
  12. So if I am reading this correctly these gear sets just fit an '88-'89? Just want to clearify, thanks.
  13. Sorry Guys, It got cold here quickly I still would like to get some things sold. I do take paypal. I belive I do have the injector holder you want I'll take a pic later. MainstreaM, My other hatch off another 86 has them on there, I might have to put it inside for a bit to warm up to get them off without breaking.
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