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    Winfield, West Virginia

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  1. Kev that’s the most in detail explanation I’ve gotten so far I appreciate that. Could you send me some pictures of all of your vacuum lines you have routed and anything you have plugged. I think I understand, but I like to have pictures to make sure I’m doing everything right.
  2. I recently bought one the HKS downpipe flanges because I've been wanting to go catless. I understand how to remove like the air cleaner box itself, but rerouting the vacuum lines has me very confused. I've tried reading through the forums to find pictures, but majority of the links are dead. Could someone explain or send a diagram of where to reroute all of the vacuum lines when removing the secondary air cleaner and EGR? Thanks in advanced.
  3. I really didn’t know how much they went for I just wanted do put it at a starting point lol. Is the new price I put more fair?
  4. I hate to sell it but I’m leaving for college and won’t have the time or money to fix it like I want to. It has 108,000 original miles. Runs alright, but the brakes on it just went out. I think it’s the brake master cylinder but I’m not 100% certain. The ebrake cables are froze up. I have a new set I just haven’t got around to replacing them. I recently replaced spark plugs and wires. The paint is very rough. The front half is wrapped, but I am yet to finish it. Feel free to ask me anymore questions you may have that’s everything I could think of off the top of my head. I’m located in Winfield, West Virginia. I’m asking 3,750 OBO.
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