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LED Tail and 3rd brake light


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some one on here is making there own , and they look great so far , all smoked cover. he might do a pkg deal if enough ppl buy it. dono.
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hehe, that's my 3rd brake light thread, and the pic above Tman posted is one of my test boards that I sold him.


I can do 3rd brake lights, and can sell them for $50 shipped, but I'll need to order more materials (and my turnaround won't be all that quick either, I have a normal job)


ALSO, someone else above mentioned tail lights someone is working on, that's also me, they're practically done (just not on the car)




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hehe, that's my 3rd brake light thread, and the pic above Tman posted is one of my test boards that I sold him.


I can do 3rd brake lights, and can sell them for $50 shipped, but I'll need to order more materials (and my turnaround won't be all that quick either, I have a normal job)


ALSO, someone else above mentioned tail lights someone is working on, that's also me, they're practically done (just not on the car)

<a href="http://www.starquestclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=80229" target="_blank">http://www.starquestclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=80229</a>



That's HOT Derek!(checked your other post). Materials alot higher than I thought. Plus can't expect you to do'em for free. Thanks dude! :eek1bluegreen:

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