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Recording studio


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I have a ProTools recording studio that I have had for around 7 years now. I have a 6 year old daughter and a 4 year old son so don't use it nearly as often now. When I opened it to the public I had rule of no cursing to be recorded. All clients knew this before-hand yet there were still a few that wanted to try and slip something in from time to time. Amazing the audio always clipped and we had to re-record it. It gave we the chance to help them find a better word to replace the vulgarity. My daughter sat with me even at 3 months old during sessions but regardless I wouldn't want my work to be heard by anyone with bad language.


My point is from what I believe anyone that chooses to write bad language, no matter the age, shows that their lack of ability to use the vast English vocabulary to choose a credible word or words to make their point in a way mature adults would appreciate. Grant it I make mistakes and misspell words from time to time and the occasional bad word slips out every once in a while, even more when excited or mad. Yet to take the time to write vulgarity just proves the lack of ability and education to find a better one.


Makes you want to buy everyone a thesaurus.


Just my thoughts and I appreciate the mods who try to keep the SQC site clean. Keep up the good work.

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Lol. Well I have too but to make a conscious effort to write it and then sing it was what I am referring to. Pretty sure even if we have said something we regret we have probably all thought something we shouldn't have. Wait! What! squirrel
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Well while I understand where your coming from I feel like its a bit dismissive to just say "There is simply no reason to cuss in this or other situations." You own the recording studio and you have every right to stay true to your feelings and values on the subject but I don't see it as a very fair view to say anyone who curses is simply not educated or has a poor vocabulary. The english language is vast your right, but its not rigid either. We all communicate to try and get our ideas, opinions, and feelings out into the world and music is even more so for that purpose I think. Using all types of techniques including curse words to attempt to convey your thoughts and feelings to your "audience" seems a very acceptable thing to do in my opinion.
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no cusssing in the studio





I could only hope. Rumor has it the first engineer to record it called it crap and the half deaf "artist" thought he said "This is Rap." And so it began. Gotta love the beat boxin though yo...., Word to yo mutha

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