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Kel-Tec Shotgun makes me happy


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i'd guess theres more of this gun (500a) out there then any other gun ever made


i choose the mossberg because it passed military field trails and was adopted by the military unlike the more popular remington 870 which failed and just costs way to much.


but my main reasons for the mossberg was


passed military field tests so i'm never going to to abuse it like them


it's light so it's easier to carry in the woods


the safety is on top so when you shoulder the gun you can tell if its on safe or not real easy


the slid release is easy to get to and you dont need to shift your hand to get to it if you dont have extremely long fingers


it holds a extra round in the tube compared to the 870


the barrel screw also stays in place better then the 870's



now i have shot the 500 and 870 alot probably close to 1000 rounds with each. i've watched a 870 launch a barrel because the barrel screw worked it's way loose . i've also watched them blow barrel plugs out the end and completely ruin a barrel. both are good guns but i've seen both in action after alot rounds and the 870 just didn't hold up.

Edited by 83_project_toy
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