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How to Clean a Carpet


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Did this last days of summer, I hear people taking their carpets to a high pressure car wash, but I found this alternative works much better.


Here is before and after













Worked for about 6 hours total, refilled the Rugdoctor at least 10 times, used OxyClean and then Simple Green.

With an hour left to return the RugDoctor it was still sucking out dirt from the carpet O_O


I also did all the seats and a little touchup in the quest.


Only cost was the rental, $21. Didnt care to use carpet cleaner as it did nothing.

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Hours of work with a rugdoctor, or 10-15 minutes with a pressure washer...





I dont know, first thing the rug doctor also is a vacuum so it sucks out the water, it's 90% dry afterwards.


This Civic carpet has a lot of foam and fiberglass backing that I was afraid might get damaged with the pressure wash.


Transporting a wet carpet after pressure washing it was not an option to me anyway.


also, 15 minute at a pressure washer is the same amount as rental

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You seem to have gotten similar results.


What I did was try a carpet stain cleaner on a few dark spots, it made that spot lighter but Simple Green did a better job, so I stuck to it. I was using a purple color one, didnt dilute, just added a cup to a bucket of warm water for the rug doc.


Before using simple Green I used the rug doc with Oxy Clean powder and went over the carpet 2 times. After that I rinsed it off with just warm water and looked at the results, I still had a lot of stain and discolorations.



I sprayed Simple Green over the entire carpet and went to refill the doc with Simple Green, went over the carpet about 6 times, each time I can see it sucking away dirt. Each pass it got lighter.


I didnt notice any color from the Simple Green penetrating the beige carpet but to be sure my second to last pass was again with Oxy Clean and then one last time with just water, I went with 2 refills of clean water just so I could resoak and vacuum out the really dirty spots and suck out as much water as I could.


I let it try in the setting sun for about an hour and put it back in the car.


Let it sit for another hour with the windows down and the still slightly wet seats inside.



The rug doctors furniture attachment is very nice, has a good atomizer for the spray and a clear suction hose so you can see everything it pulls off.



I will do the same for my Quest when it gets warm again, its not really dirty but there is a TON of dust on everything inside, I used a normal vacuum on it but the dust is deep.

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