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Everything posted by Outlander

  1. tsi.rob@gmail.com thanks
  2. like it says. where is it at??????????????????
  3. Ok guys and gals I am looking for a black set of belts and necessary other things to put manual belts in my 87. Let me know we can trade, pay, or a combo of both. Thanks, Rob
  4. No wonder you don't answer me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. no but you can talk to me about a fuel cell. :wink:
  6. Wow I can't find it, BUT. I just read some place where someone had good luck with a supercharger/turbo system. It was not on our car but if I remember correctly it was an inline 4. :shock:
  7. Pffftttttttt Who uses Yahoo anyway? Want spam and viruses use Yahoo. Yahoo couldn't carry Google's jock strap.
  8. Well dang it snowed and snowed hard. we got 5-6 inches this morning and I spent most of it in a small salt truck salting and on the grasshopper with the plow blade on it clearing sidewalks. :wink: Now if you want to combine work and fun that's the ticket. Anyhow It's almost 4P and it's 40 degrees and clear and sunny and what was shoveled and plowed is just wet pavment, Even my drive which I plowed at 2p is nothing but wet pavment. Darn spring snows are weirdbut easy to clean up after.
  9. no no I was being sarcastic. I do believe in global warming. what I don't believe is it's all our fault. The planet is changing and will keep on changing with or with out us.
  10. I don't think I would lable that as balls. I think stupid and careless fit that better. :roll:
  11. Man I was just out riding my bike Sunday after work thinking how nice it was spring is close. Now today we are forcasted for 3-5 inches of snow. :shock: So much for global warming. :roll: Guess I am on call for work for snow removal, it may be a VERY LONG night.
  12. think it could be old oil residue from when the turbo was bad? If everything else looks good take it for a spin and burn some of that old oil out.
  13. What makes the v8 versions garbage? I had more than one and was very pleased with them. I sence a hater among us. :roll:
  14. Well lets start with first things first. 1 what are the simtoms? are you sure the head is cracked? could it just be a blown head gasket?
  15. better not........... you would fall in love and leave your wife.
  16. I have preached this as long as I can remember. Just replace the secondary switch with another primary one. Plug it in and done, no fancy wiring, no extra toggle switches, just a nice clean installation that gives you a redundant back-up incase the primary sensor fails.
  17. another good thing ruined................. :roll:
  18. OK you got me all primed with no direction............... Would you ask Max for me?
  19. I know I could look it up but does anyone know proper oil and weight to use?
  20. Dang I got faster responce out of this then a hobo on a ham sandwich. It looks pretty decient now, maybe I'll put the soap and water to her again and let it ride.
  21. join the club http://www.starquestclub.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=71682
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