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Posts posted by Boosted77.

  1. Here are the same exact Infinity speakers on Ebay for $76.50 shipped. That's $52.50 difference in price! Copy/paste the item # into Ebay's browser: 360330903261


    Here they are from a much larger Ebay seller for $79.95 Or Best Offer with a 3 year warranty: 360330903261


    Do not go through Crutchfield. They are an absolute bloated rip-off and should be avoided like the plague. They need to die and go out of business because their prices SUCK!


    Just get into the habit of copy/pasting the actual model # into Google and shop that way. You will see that Crutchfield is a rip-off.


    This is what I put into Google and Ebay's browser: Infinity Kappa 62.9i






    Avoid Crutchfield unless you like throwing money out a window.

  2. Yes, that is Samito Vasquez's old '87 Starion. The engine is brand new; there is a Fidanza Aluminum FW in the trunk along with a bunch of spare parts. The car was completely dismantled and repainted back in 2003-2004 by my friend Dave Wilson. I think it has a brand new 17c on it and a very good non-jet valve head that was ported and polished and assembled by, I think, Sakura Motorsports. It's been several years now.
  3. where is this idea that if you dont believe you burn in Hell?


    True enough. I was stating a fact though. When that moment comes to choose between God or mammon, if he/she should choose anyone or anything other than God, they are eternally separated from Him with no chance of salvation through Jesus Christ and they go to Hell. Without faith it is impossible to please Yahweh. We make the decision and we truly decide where we will spend our eternity. That's cold hard truth. When it all boils down, when it's all said and done, it's black and white. Eternal life or eternal death. No more gray. The gray is in this particular life. That's basically the meaning of this life and the purpose of being on the earth living in this place with one another. To live, learn, grow and choose to exist with God(the source of all life) or go on without him which is certain death, then off to Hell. The wheat and chaff grow up side by side. Chaff were those who just said, "nah, I don't want anything to do with God or his Christ". He is the source of all life and love. Simple true pure righteous love and by his righteousness we all will be judged. He will not be mocked by someone saying to him,"I don't believe". Puke! It's like this, Jesus came as the Lamb and he's gonna return as the Lion. He not returning to be crucified again. That's done now, Now it's time for him to have what is rightfully his. God's ready for his dreams to come true. It's his time and now he's gonna set things right again. Does anyone know what is God's dream? Most seek what is in his hands and not what is in the depths of his heart. I did I asked him what he wanted. I was directed to the Lord's prayer. God will have the earth back from Satan so he can finally have his Heavenly kingdom here on earth with us like he's always wanted. I have experienced God's forgiveness, grace, love and mercy, blessing. But now the next thing that this earth and it's inhabitants will experience is God's Wrath. People will learn of God and what he desires of us by their choice or by his. When the moment arrives that free will is no longer an option the game's over. God's closing the book on this system of things faster than many may want to believe or accept. The love their mansion and millions. God doesn't sweat it in what you believe but your life hinges on that very thing. He didn't need us to make this world spin and he sure as heck doesn't change his day planner because another one is born and grows up, and sure enough, "I don't believe it" Stick your head in the sand so it'll go away. "That'll fix everything for sure". Just like a 6 year old hiding under his bed. I don't wanna! Too bad, time's up. Recess is over. Time to be a man and receive the fruit of your free-willed decision. We're gonna see one of two sides of God very soon. His love and forgiveness, or his unadulterated wrath that'll burn up disbelief in an instant and make a man weep and gnash his teeth and shake his fists towards Heaven. God can do both at the same exact time too. You know how? He's gonna throw us all into a furnace heated hotter than the lowest parts of Hell. If we lived right and chose Christ we will survive and will be purified like fine silver seven times. If we go into this place w/o Christ we will be consumed like chaff. It's all right there in the Bible. Sorry, I have no apologies for what I didn't create. Deny it if you want to. Your heart will speak to you if this shoe fits. It will prick your heart and make you mad, or make you change course.


    I can hardly believe someone won't have some faith simply because they can't see Him. If you stand in front of me, then you turn around, you can't see me anymore. I'm still there! You see, this is all about the pride of man. Pride separates us from God. "Well I can't see him!" Get real people, you can't see air but by the breeze that blows gently through a tree, you know it exists.


    Answer this riddle. If a tree falls in the woods and you're not there to watch it fall, did it make a noise?




    Answer: Yes! Just because you didn't grace that patch of woods with your wonderful presence at that moment does not mean the tree did not make a noise. The tree did not need you for it to make a noise. This all was transpiring along before we were here and will continue on with or without us.


    Choose this day in whom you shall serve. That's in the Bible too.

  4. Get these. Cut/Paste item # into Ebay's browser as their links have not worked for a couple months now.


    Housings 320633706568


    HID kit 280529648079


    The HID kit has a true lifetime warranty on ballasts and bulbs. Not a bad deal really.

  5. Chiplee, I truly didn't mean my post to be directed at you. I didn't even notice that you were the previous poster. But after participating I saw you were before me and my heart sank for a moment because I don't want you to feel like you're being attacked for your beliefs. That was not my intention and should be no one's intention. I'm aware that you and many others have heard "that" all before but the reason is, is that it (is) the answer.


    It does say in the old testament that God grew tired or "bored" for lack of a better term and basically turned the lights out on the age of dinosaurs. And this was way before the first dinosaur bone was discovered by recent man since the writing of these old texts. I found my answer to so many questions through a dude named Jesus Christ and through the study of the Bible. I asked; he came into my life. I truly respect everyone's beliefs and understandings and I hope you all find the answer your looking for too.

  6. God is like a .357 magnum pointed straight at you. If you say that you don't "believe" that the gun can blow your face off, does it make any difference? Okay let's say I put a pillow in front of the gun so you can't "see" it. Does it not exist anymore? Yes it does; just because your eyes can't see it, it doesn't mean it does not exist. This is as old as man. Man say they don't believe or they do believe. "I don't believe in God" That's nice. It doesn't make any difference what you believe, it doesn't change the reality of a Holy God seated in Heaven that won't make himself known to you because you scoff at him by saying "I don't believe". It is your soul your gambling with. You better hope your right, cause after this short life is over with, you stand at the precipice of eternity. God is real, he exists. I didn't used to believe in him either, until I called out to him one night and he came to me and has never left me since. I've gotten to know him pretty well and what he desires of me over these few short years. His name is Jehovah. Yes! he has a name, just like you and he loves you more than you can comprehend. It does say in the Holy Bible, "The fool has said in his heart that there is no God". There are 2000-4000 year old prophecies coming to pass now, and quickly. But since some of you don't believe in God you basically are completely unaware of these things transpiring daily. You will not understand the things of God and Heaven until Jesus Christ comes into your heart and renews you from the inside out. But you have to ask first. That's all it takes, and he will answer you. He answered me.
  7. I saw one a few years ago in Atlanta while I was sitting in my work truck during lunch in a Churches Chicken drive thru. It was a nice day with puffy cumulus clouds in the sky. I was just looking at the skyline when all of the sudden a large shiny object (shiny from the sun reflecting off of it) came out from in a cloud from a left to right direction and then went right back into the cloud. I never saw it again. I knew what I had just seen was a UFO just sitting idle in the clouds pacing along with them.


    When my father was a young boy; he is 78 now. He told me a story about when he was with his friend in their hometown of Chattanooga, Tn. when all of the sudden he saw a shiny disc shaped object shoot down out of the clouds and shoot back up into the sky and disappear very quickly. This is in the early 1940's and there was nothing around that could maneuver like that back then.


    I do believe in UFO's. There are many shows out right now like Ancient Aliens that are trying to piece together ancient evidence of extra-terrestrials visiting ancient cultures. Very interesting to say the least. We are now discovering just how vast our universe really is and how ancient it is. I am a Christian and this does not sway me in my beliefs but in fact strengthens my understanding of just how great and awesome and just plain genius God really is and that he has been at this whole thing for a very very long time.

  8. Okay I had the chance to measure the DB output of the system on a new Termlab. I basically just turned the car on, put a cd in and went for it. I did a 145.6 db and a 145.9 db @ 43hz. Not too shabby for a single 12" sub. I've seen a lot of guys do 145's but they're not running only one sub. I've never done that before so it was definitely fun to finally see what kinda of SPL I was doing.
  9. ^^^ haha that's funny. Like when Kickboxer came out. After the movie there were people outside trying to Karate chop each other. Oh jeez don't even get me started about Rocky IV. U.S.A! U.S.A! Italians everywhere who now know how to box are looking fora fight outside movie theaters across America. But definitely gonna be a ton accidents after that movie.
  10. Freon for $.99. I remember that. A perfect example of the EPA screwing things up and the government driving a free-market society into the ground. Hello Socialism! I warned guys on here that Obama was a Socialist (way) before he was ever elected. Many guys on here like Chiplee and Edde thought I was nuts and it was groundless and I was the extremest for saying such things about our floundering nation. Now does anyone care to argue this point with me? Save your breath...admit it...you were wrong. The world is forever changing around us. Electing Barrack Obama was a mistake. I warned many from my little soap box on here several years ago. Now we're in the middle of it and there's no turning back. It's gonna get much worse before it gets any better. The back of the United States must be broken before anyone in their right mind would accept this bowl of crap that is being forced down out throats now. It's working too. It's a darn shame what the vision of our fore-fathers has turned into. This wonderful experiment called The United States of America is collapsing around us and the cause of it are very powerful people in very high places that care nothing about you and I, wanting nothing more than for us to work our fingers to the literal bones so they can be called kings and gods among mere men. Watch and if you are not a fool...learn and realize that if we do not take from the mistakes made in the past we a doomed to repeat them.


    edit: The fall of every great society has been over taxation of the people.

  11. I'm still here. Been on here as a regular since 2002. I love this place; always have always will. I log in a lot just to read and to hang out. But honestly I do avoid certain topics because I don't want to get into the middle of some crazy discussion that doesn't accomplish anything. There are just too many other more important situations going on in the world in which I monitor and try to add some viable input to be of some help. The simple fact that we drive these kooky off-beat cars says a ton about us without having to be engrossed in a 5 page discussion to get our point across. Relax friends, the world shall go on and as always, as I always say, keep it spooled.
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