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  1. TSITy I was looking at this last night but I have no idea what I am looking at or for with the passing relay.
  2. Forklift I didn't mess with the fusible link that runs the lights and tail lights.
  3. Don't see the ground wire but I know where it's supposed to go. Not sure what set of wires it ran with. I have removed some wiring but don't recall removing that one. Everything worked fine until I disconnected the battery and reinstalled it. Head lights, fog light don't work and pop ups still going nuts.
  4. I'll check that this evening. Was the weirdest thing when this happened. Everything was working fine. A buddy and I were fabbing up a battery hold down and had the battery out of the car. When we went to hook the battery back up the was a lot of clicking coming from where the relays were located and then all the sudden the pop ups started going up and down and were out of sequence. Got them to stop, but ever since then I can't get my pop ups to come up and stay up. They go into winking mode LoL. My fog lights quite working apparently as well. As I indicated in my initial post I have tried messing with the relays and fusible links but no luck. I'll check this ground and see if it worked itself loose somehow. Thanks for your insite. I'll keep all posted on this endeavor.
  5. I'm currently having an issue with my pop ups going up and down. I disconnect the battery and reconnect the battery and they go up go down and then they get out of sequence as they stop. When you hit the switch they'll both come up go down go up go down and then they start getting out of sequence and you shut them off and they're all over the place as far as the position in which they're in. Any insight as to where to start with this issue? I have pulled the fusible link that seems to be working I've swapped relays those seem to be working. At a loss as far as what to troubleshoot next.
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